REFF/RomaEuropa FakeFactory, 100 Spaces architecture competition, Design contest for students
REFF/Roma Europa Fake Factory
100 Spaces contest : Videoart + Music + Literature + GIF-Art + Architecture Competition
page updated 29 Aug 2016
a detourned competition
RomaeuropaFAKEfactory is an international Videoart, Music, Literature, GIF-Art, Architecture, Design, Landscape and Law Art competition started in January 2009 as a critical reaction to the Fondazione RomaEuropa’s WebFactory, to develop an action/reflection on the meaning of art, culture and creativity in the contemporary era, on the models for access and on the relations among intellectual property and new business models.
REFF/RomaEuropa FakeFactory Competition
The Roma Europa Fake Factory competition, revolves around the “Freedom to Remix” theme, and is dedicated to young creatives, new media artists, writers, musicians, architects, designers, landscape artists, jurists and to intellectual property enthusiasts and researchers, but also to all those cybernauts that have a will to get their creativity involved.
100 Spaces / Call For Entries
The REFF competition in a series 100 Spaces contest is an international design, architecture, landscape competition for students and young architects/designers/landscape designers (under 40).
The subject of the competition is Freedom to remix where remixes gain value as an opportunity to create an “in progress” archive of design/architecture/landscape propositions, that are project/methodological explorations models, capable of
reacting in the face of continuous transformations of contemporary social needs and that, transcending all permanent and immobile characteristics, may be created and recreated according to the needs of inhabitants/users/consumers who become producers of different meanings within an aesthetic vision of an infra-ordinary universe.
The competition’s theme requires design / architecture / landscape proposals that are examples of mutation/dynamism/ubiquity/multi-functionality/eco-responsability; interactive projects, diversified factors’ containers, sign montages, representations of moving landscapes, solutions that may be re-interpreted by the individual who, having regained the creative process, uses/lives/explores them according to a self-regulating principle.
Our goal is to realize a map where the coordinates are able to subvert the idea of a centre, where the user/consumer is to become the protagonist of an ideal, transitory, continually evolving scenario, populated by multiple centralities, a privileged location for differences.
The most meaningful and innovative works will be inserted in a catalogue and exposed in a specific exhibition.
The Roma Europa Fake Factory contest jury is composed of: Francesca Canu, Serena D’Ambrogi, Antonin Josef di Santantonio, Maurizio Gargano, Maria Rita Intrieri, Fulvio Lenzo, Andrea Masciantonio, Rossella Ongaretto, Stefano Ostinelli, Luigi Prestinenza Puglisi, Paola Zampa
curator: Rossella Ongaretto
contest staff: Francesca Canu, Rossella Ongaretto
deadline for registration and entries is 31 Jul 2009
We’re certain that the power system favours this non-communication, and thus reduces science to consumerist technology, and art to marketing or solipsism, in the context of the other unprecedented phenomenon, human quantity. Once again the solution is mutation. (M. Sacripanti, città di frontiera, Roma, 1973); we’re certain that today no univocal solution is truly possible; thus the main goal of this competition is to build a field of research, where remixes gain value as the ‘motor’ of creative procedures, conditio sine qua non for debates and confrontations, within which new spatial ideas come to express neither power nor submission to power rules (Gilles Clement, Manifesto del terzo paesaggio, 2004) and become possible manifestations of an operational mode that provides dignity to non-productiveness, so as to obtain objects/architectures/landscapes that are true signs of a transitional crisis of meaning.
The intention is that of constituting an “in progress” archive of design/architecture/landscape propositions that are models for project/methodological explorations, capable of individuating new possible modalities for the destructurizing of artistic production’s codes and marketing mechanisms, depriving details, space, landscape and artefacts of its’ usage value and authenticity criteria, inevitably dismissed in a continuous process of reversibility of meanings and usage formalities.
The competition’s theme requires design/architecture/landscape proposals that are examples of mutation/dynamism/ubiquity/multi-functionality; interactive projects, diversified factors’ containers, sign montages, representations of moving landscapes, solutions that may be re-interpreted by the individual who, having re-gained the creative process – uses/lives/explores them according to a self-regulating principle.
We welcome all object/architecture/landscape proposals that are capable of reacting in the face of continuous transformations of contemporary social needs and that, transcending all permanent and immobile characteristics, may be created and recreated according to the needs of inhabitants/users/consumers who become producers of different meanings within an aesthetic vision of an infra-ordinary universe.
Usage Instructions
The REFF/Roma Europa FakeFactory competition welcomes both ideas and complete projects regarding design/architecture/landscape
The REFF/Roma Europa FakeFactory projects must respond to the following characteristics:
– mutation
– mobility
– ubiquity
– dynamism
– eco-responsability
– self-regulation
– feasibility
To be considered a valid entry, the final presentation must include:
– a motto/title;
– The Indication of the category it belongs to: design/architecture/landscape
– a brief description of the idea behind the project
In order to participate in the competition, designers/architects/landscape designers must send a graphic and/or photographic documentation accompanied by a brief written relation with no more than 4000 strokes, relative to the project proposals.
Indicate if they are students or professionals. Professional must be under 40
Participants wishing to present more than one proposal should send separate documents for each project, and distinguish the chosen context according to the categories design/architecture/landscape.
Project A: design
Project B: architecture
Project C: landscape
Projects may be uploaded on the website with a maximum size of 50Mb including all necessary information.
The files must be in pdf, Jpeg or doc, or further formats to be agreed with the organizers if they include eventual videos or animations. PDF and Jpeg files must have a minimum resolution of 200 DPI.
For projects including larger files, please contact us to agree the modality of transmission (we will provide you with an ftp account to be used for uploading).
Projects realized by single individuals or by groups are admitted. Projects presented by a group should indicate the name of the group leader.
Proposals may be fully realized projects or even just ideas for a project.
The jury will not assign prizes or establish strict charts. Its activity will instead consist of a critical reading and review of all submitted projects that are considered meaningful, so as to spread ideas and involve the public in an interactive debate.
The reviews will be progressively published upon the site next to the relative work and will be open to discussion by the creators, the public and a scientific committee formed by architects/designers/landscape builders/ critics/ architecture historians and experts from the various sectors.
The most meaningful works will be inserted in a catalogue and exposed in a specific exhibition.
For any information or doubt regarding the modalities of this competition and on the terms for presenting your works, please contact us at the following e-mail [email protected] and you will receive a prompt reply from the area’s curators.
The works have to be submitted by registering to this website and loading the works using the “Upload Work” function. Submissions will be accepted up until July 31 2009 (included).
comments on this REFF/Roma Europa FakeFactory article are welcome.
Architectural Designs
Contemporary Architecture – architectural selection below:
Building Competitions : Archive
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