Automotive Factory, Foshan Building Development, South Chinese Architecture
Foshan German Service Center
Automotive Factory Southern China – design by gmp · Architekten von Gerkan, Marg und Partner
27 Feb 2014
Foshan German Service Center – Automotive Factory
Design: gmp · Architekten von Gerkan, Marg und Partner
Location: Foshan, Southern China
Groundbreaking ceremony on 25 February 2014
A groundbreaking ceremony for the new construction of the German Service Centre in Foshan, a city in the south of China, will take place on 25 February 2014. In 2013, the architects von Gerkan, Marg and Partners were successful in winning this competition which was open to German architectural practices with a Chinese partner.
On 25 September 2013 the Volkswagen corporation, together with its joint venture partner FAW Volkswagen, opened a new automotive factory in Foshan, which turned this city in Guangdong province into an interesting location for German companies.
The Foshan German Service Centre building complex is being created in the direct proximity of these other projects already completed by gmp: the Foshan Sports Park and the Foshan Poly Centre along the Dongping River in the region of the Pearl River Delta.
The staggered buildings with vertically structured façades of white Chinese granite create a characteristic appearance and landmark in the Foshan metropolis, a city of 7 million inhabitants. The complex accommodates shopping centres, restaurants, flats and luxury apartments including underground car parking, a bus station and an underground station.
Seen from the surrounding roads, the river and the parkland areas, the 240 m high office tower and the two residential towers – with heights of 160 m and 110 m – form a significant family of buildings. At the same time, each tower is differentiated by its façade, which relates to its respective function. Up to the fourth floor, the towers are linked by a base structure with commercial uses. Full-height arcades create a public and prestigious appearance.
Foshan German Service Center – Building Information:
Competition: 2013 – 1st Prize
Design: Meinhard von Gerkan and Stephan Schütz
Project Manager: Ralf Sieber
Team members: Sebastian Pohle, Yang Linlin, Anna Bulanda-Jansen, Matthias Fruntke, Huang Cheng, Elsa Tang, Zhou Bin, Thilo Zehme, Jan Deml, Xu Ji, Qin Wei, Chen Zhicong, Paulina Kucharska, Pedro Lopez
Partner office: GDADRI, Guangdong Architecture & Design Research Institute
Client: Zongde Investment
Foshan German Service Center, China images / information from gmp · Architekten von Gerkan, Marg und Partner
Location: Foshan, China
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