Lockdown Tradeshows 2020, Brick Paving, Buildings, Design Style, Architects

Lockdown Tradeshows – Pave your way to a brighter future

Apr 21, 2020

Several weeks have now passed since full lockdown procedures came into effect in most countries. It may be a little boring stuck in the home, but the lives you save by doing this will be forever grateful. Unfortunately, the lockdown has hit the construction industry particularly hard. As well as the economic impacts of being locked down and the lost work, the mental effects on tradespeople will be particularly strong. We all love to be outside in the fresh air, meeting customers and suppliers, and doing the jobs we love.

Lockdown Tradeshows Bricks 2020

Keeping in touch

While there is little help available on the fresh air front (well you could open your window!), there are plenty of opportunities to keep in touch with your suppliers and customers.

Customers are easy to stay in touch with, particularly those who you always enjoyed a good relationship. Pick up the phone and give them a call. They are probably just as bored as you are and will appreciate your concern. After the crisis is over, they will be used to your regular calls and obtaining future business should be a breeze.

Suppliers can be a little trickier. Many are facing the same challenges you are and may have had to lay off or furlough key frontline staff. Salespeople and admin staff are particularly at risk of this. The management teams of some more forward-thinking companies are, therefore, finding new and innovative ways to keep in touch with their clients like you.

One of the latest methods of communicating is with a virtual tradeshow.

What is a virtual trade show?

A virtual tradeshow is a bit like a regular trade show yet online. The concept of Zoom meetings has become commonplace since the lockdowns began. Even if you have not participated in one, you have probably seen or heard others talking about them. A Zoom meeting is a video call that involves multiple people.

A virtual trade show is an enhancement of this concept. The organisers use a combination of informative videos, explanations, group video calls, and presentations to tell you more about the services and products.

Top three reasons you should join a virtual tradeshow

Here are three reasons you should consider joining an online tradeshow:

1 – To socialise and meet new people

Online trade shows take many shapes and forms. Whether they bring many people together to network or providing a 1-to-1 session with an expert, you have the opportunity to meet new people and have a chat – great for killing those hours of boredom. Building up your network of contacts is never a bad thing. Who knows, when times get better you may get a few jobs thrown your way by those that were with you “in the trenches” back in 2020.

2 – To learn something new

In our regular lives, we are often all too busy delivering projects or chasing down new jobs. Tasks such as training and skills development are usually not a priority. So, now is the perfect time to learn something new. Whether it’s a new brick construction technique, an understanding of how a new paving product works, or perhaps even some IT or Marketing skills, learning something new will undoubtedly make your business stronger.

Virtual trade shows are the perfect way to learn something new. Seminars and trainers can make use of several materials – online calls, presentations, training books and articles, sample provision, and case studies.

3 – To support your suppliers

Your suppliers will most likely be struggling just as you are. In these hard times, they need support from their regular customers too. So, why not round up a few friends and join a trade show together. Introducing some new customers to your supplier is never a bad thing whether they make bricks, tools, or even provide your accounting service! They will be forever grateful and remember your help in these tough times.

It is not just the big boys who are leading the way with this technology. Littlehampton Brick, an Australian company specialising in making boutique bricks are already taking the lead with their first Brick Trade Show. It is no wonder they have been in business for over 100 years. Adaptability in the face of adversity is key to survival, particularly in the SME market.

Lockdown tradeshows final thoughts

The world is rapidly evolving. Modern technologies are leading us into the 4th Industrial Revolution. COVID-19 is kickstarting it even quicker. To stay at the forefront of the revolution, we all need to adapt to the online world. Virtual tradeshows are an excellent way for the construction industry to join this revolution. So, get involved and try joining a virtual tradeshow today. Or perhaps if you are confident you could even try running one yourself!

Comments on this Lockdown Tradeshows article are welcome.

Architectural Design

Modern Architecture
Alexandra & Ainsworth Estate, London
photo © Martin Charles / RIBA Collections

Modern Architects
Hilversum Town Hall Modern building
photo © Adrian Welch

Modern Houses
Martin House Complex by Frank Lloyd Wright in Buffalo
photograph : Biff Henrich / courtesy MHRC

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