How to prepare your home for a house party, Home entertainment tips, Social function advice
Prepare Your Home for a House Party
26 Aug 2021
We have all missed socialising a lot over the past few months, and now we can finally get back to it safely and happily. It’s the perfect time to throw a house party! But wait. Does the thought of welcoming your family and friends into your home make you feel a little bit of dread? Is your home simply not house party-ready? Read on to discover how you can prepare for your own epic event.
Prepare Your Home for a House Party Advice
Clean essential areas
It can seem very overwhelming to have to clean your home ready for guests – especially after it has been so long since your last party. But narrowing down the areas where guests will actually be spending their time is a great way to streamline your cleaning. For example, cleaning the bathrooms, kitchen, living room and entry hallway is an essential item on the agenda. However, you can simply close off family bedrooms and leave them as they are – unless children will be present, of course. And don’t forget to tidy your garden for those who wish to be outside.
Declutter for extra space
Take this as an opportunity to see what sparks joy for you! Decluttering is a great way of creating extra space for both your party and your everyday life. So throw out those worn-out boots that have been sitting in your hallway forever, and those chipped plates you don’t want to give to your guests. Your home will be easier to clean and have more room.
Lay out the essentials
Don’t want your guests rooting through your cupboards in an effort to find a glass or dip for tortilla chips? Make sure that you clear a good amount of surface space so that you can lay out all the essentials. This will keep the good times rolling as guests will be able to serve themselves, taking the pressure off you as a host. Perhaps you will even get a chance to relax, pour a glass of wine, and enjoy yourself a little!
Remove non-essential furniture
Are bulky items ruining the party vibe? We understand that you cannot simply declutter everything – if you normally have a beloved yet scruffy armchair in the way, this will need to be moved to give your guests more standing room.
A great way to keep furniture or other items safe so your house is clearer is by using a storage facility. You can store your items short-term and get them back whenever you need. Safestore has some excellent local options for you.
Are you excited to start throwing amazing parties again? With these tips, you will be running the show in no time. So you can enjoy hanging out with your loved ones again!
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