7 essential architecture books for architects, Designers publications, Online architectural advice

7 essential architecture books for architects, designers and builders

15 Sep 2021

7 essential architecture books for architects, designers

Are you looking for architecture books? You’re in luck, because we’ve selected the best 7 architecture books for you. Not only the content they share, their appearance is also really interesting, inseparable from the unique and elegant design of the art book printing that has been embedded in them. For your information, if you are interested in quality art book printing, contacting a professional offset printing company is highly recommended.

7 essential architecture books for architectural readers

Taking into account the amount of books on the market on architecture, we want to recommend the architecture books that, in our opinion, every architect, designer or builder should have on their shelf. We have relied on the rigor and quality that these books show us.

Art of projecting in architecture. Ernst Neufert

In 2016, the 16th edition of this world-renowned manual was completely renewed and updated. With this new edition, the aim was to respond to the new expectations that have arisen in the world of construction, such as environmental ones, although it still retains the excellent original approach.

It is a manual for construction projects that systematically gathers together the fundamentals, norms and prescriptions on enclosures, buildings, program requirements, spatial relationships, dimensions of buildings, premises, rooms and facilities; And in response to these new needs that have arisen, mention is made of water sports facilities, roofs, hotels, fire evacuation, fast food establishments, wooden facades, energy saving regulations, solar architecture, rehabilitation and reuse of buildings, etc.

Learning from Las Vegas. Robert Venturi, Steven Izenour, Denise Scott Brown

It arose in 1968 when a group of three professors and several students from the Yale University School of Architecture undertook a trip to Las Vegas in order to study the architecture so characteristic of the state of Nevada. Later in 1972 the academic world of the moment was published and revolutionized, creating a radical turning point in the history and criticism of architecture, reaching the conclusion that architects should be more receptive to the tastes and values of the people, discovering the trivial and the beauty of the ordinary.

General Theory of Urbanization. Ildefons Cerdà

In 1867, with the Industrial Revolution underway, the engineer Ildefons Cerdà was the author of the Barcelona Reform and Extension Plan, and it was then that he published his General Theory of Urbanization, being the first book in history in which the process of designing and building cities was systematically analyzed. In March 2018, the IAAC (Institute of Advanced Architecture of Catalonia) together with the Actar publishing house, in the midst of the digital revolution, at a time when the urbanization of the planet is still in full swing and faces new collective challenges, presents the first complete English translation of the Theory and publishes its statistics and analysis in interactive charts and maps as an open data platform.

Messages to Architecture Students. Le corbusier

It was in 1957 when it was published for the first time in Paris, by Les Editions de Minuit. It is not a book only aimed at architecture students, but the general public may be interested in the work of the great French Swiss architect. In its pages it specifies how architecture should be understood and taught. The book includes an essay, ” If I had to teach you architecture ”, which has become irreplaceable material for anyone interested in the problems of teaching architectural design.

Form and Design. Louis I. Kahn

The book is from 1961, developed by Louis Kahn This volume is dedicated to exposing theories and penetrating computer thinking by gathering the most important theoretical articles by this master of contemporary architecture. And it is that his architecture is above all due to the constant and conscious effort to convert his ambitious program into urban reality.

Know how to see architecture. Bruno Zevi

Written in 1948, this 6-chapter essay on the spatial interpretation of architecture aims to bring people closer to the contemplation of architecture from its own characteristics and not from others in principle unrelated to it, such as sculpture or history, but rather for the author the fundamental characteristic is space, without which architecture does not exist.

The invisible cities. Italo Calvino

Published in 1972, The Invisible Cities presents a series of travel stories that Marco Polo makes to the Emperor of the Tartars, Kublai Khan, where the imaginary traveler tells him about impossible cities, such as a spiderweb city suspended over an abyss, or a two-dimensional city … etc. The descriptions are similar to short stories with themes such as desire, death or symbols, among others. The book develops in an implicit and explicit way, a discussion about the modern city.

We hope you find them useful for your work or that you enjoy them if your query is only for a hobby.

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