Den Haag architecture designs, The Hague buildings, Netherlands developments, Dutch architects

Den Haag Architecture : Buildings in The Hague

Contemporary Buildings in Holland, Europe – Built environment + Architects News

post updated 14 December 2024

Den Haag Building News

Den Haag Architecture Designs – chronological list

Den Haag Architecture News

2 Mar 2018
Hof van Duivenvoorde, just west of Voorschoten, east of Den Haag
Design: 70F architecture
Hof van Duivenvoorde, Courtyard Building
image courtesy of architects
Duivenvoorde Visitors Centre Building
This Dutch visitors center is a ‘living’ building. Hof van Duivenvoorde (Duivenvoordes Courtyard) has nine movable facade parts that open up the building in the morning and close it at night.

23 Nov 2017
Architects: Mecanoo
Eurojust Den Haag
photo from architects
Eurojust Den Haag
Eurojust is the EU-judicial cooperation unit dealing with cross-border crime. The new headquarters for Eurojust in the International Zone of The Hague were developed together with the Central Government Real Estate Agency, the Ministry of Justice and Security and the municipality. The twelve-storey building has more than four hundred workplaces and accommodates the national representatives of the EU Member States and three non-EU countries, supported by an administrative department.

17 Apr 2017
ZIP2516, The Binckhorst
Design: Studio Komma / The Men of Foam
ZIP2516, Binckhorst
image © images Studio Komma / The Men of Foam
ZIP2516, Binckhorstlaan, Den Haag
The Dutch architectural firm Studio Komma, in close collaboration with concept-developer The Men of Foam, is the winner of the ‘’Kavel 2 ‘Urban Lab’ Challenge’’ in The Hague, The Netherlands.

6 Oct 2016
MVSA Architects wins design bid for NCIA
Design: MVSA Architects
NATO Communications and Information Agency Den Haag
image © MVSA Architects
NATO Communications and Information Agency Den Haag

Lightrailstation Den Haag
Design: Architekturbüro ZJA Zwarts & Jansma Architects / Knippers Helbig Advanced Engineering
Lightrailstation Den Haag
exterior image: Pietro Savorellit
Lightrailstation Den Haag

20 Sep 2016
Voorlinden Museum Building, Wassenaar, province of South Holland
Design: Kraaijvanger Architects with Arup
Museum Voorlinden Building in Wassenaar
exterior image: Pietro Savorellit
Voorlinden Museum Building

18 Aug 2016
E-line Station in the Hague
Design: Zwarts & Jansma Architects ZJA
E-Line Station
image from architects
E-line Station Den Haag
The new departure station E-line The Hague (HSE) is set to open. After a construction period of less than two years, the first metros will depart from the new station. The showpiece of the station is the canopy of the platforms, which consists of curved glass and steel.

Anna van Buerenplein Tower, Den Haag, The Netherlands
Design: Wiel Arets Architects
Anna van Buerenplein Tower Den Haag
photos : Jan Bitter
Anna van Buerenplein Tower – 24 Dec 2012
he AvB Tower will be located on the Anna van Bueren square in the center of The Hague and is an extension of the ‘commuter-leisure’ concept currently emerging in the world’s metropolises The Anna van Bueren square serves as the lobby for AvB Tower, within which a hybrid program will be realized that can be seen as an extension of the commuter-leisure concept.

Internationaal Dans en Muziek Centrum
Design: Neuteling Riedijk Architects
Internationaal Dans en Muziek Centrum Den Haag
picture © Neutelings Riedijk Architecten
Internationaal Dans en Muziek Centrum Den Haag
New development for Royal Conservatory / Dutch Dance Theatre / Residential Orchestra, with a 1500 seat Concert Hall, a 1100 seat Opera / Dance Hall, and a 700 seat Ensemble Hall, educational spaces, studios, foyers, logistical spaces, parking. The building construction cost is € 120.000.000,- (excl. VAT, fees and interior).


Den Haag Building – Latest Designs

Moerwijk Housing
Design: Atelier Kempe Thill
Zilverzijde Moerwijkg
photo copyright Ulrich Schwarz, Berlin
Den Haag Housing – 4 Sep 2012
‘Ennobled Modernity’ – In 2006, Atelier Kempe Thill was commissioned to design Block 10 in the Moerwijk neighborhood of The Hague with eighty-eight apartments and twenty-seven terraced houses as the result of a negotiation procedure by Vestia, the largest building corporation in the Netherlands. Moerwijk is a typical restructuring area with residential buildings from the nineteen-sixties, as also exist in many large cities in the Netherlands. Also here, the city and housing corporations agreed on the comprehensive demolition of the entire area rather than renovation of the existing buildings.

Eurojust Building
Design: Mecanoo / Haskoning
Eurojust Building The Hague
image from architect
Eurojust Building The Hague – 21 Mar
The Mecanoo-Haskoning design team is the winner for the realisation of the new Eurojust headquarters in The Hague. The design visions of four candidates were judged on the following aspects: architectural quality, urban integration and landscape, functionality and programme of requirements, maintenance and sustainability, and integrated design process.


Den Haag Buildings

Major Buildings in The Hague, alphabetical:

de Baljurk’ ‘Ballgown façade’
Design: Eric Vreedenburgh – Archipelontwerpers
Baljurk Den Haag
photo from architects
Baljurk Den Haag
Building sheathed in gold-coloured wire cloth
Located near the Old Passage in city centre

De Resident
Design: Krier & Kohl Architekten

European Patent Office
Design: Henning Larsen Tegnestue

Football stadium ADO
Design: Zwarts & Jansma Architects
ADO Den Haag
photo : Rob ‘t Hart
ADO Den Haag

Hague City Hall and Central Library
Richard Meier Architects

Housing projects in The Hague


Implosion Villa, The Hague
Design: Steven Holl Architects

Koningin Julianaplein

Office for Metropolitan Architecture
Koningin Julianaplein Den Haag
image courtesy of the Office for Metropolitan Architecture (OMA)
Koningin Julianaplein

Ministry of Social Welfare and Employment, The Hague
Herman Hertzberger
Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment Den Haag
photo © GJ

Ministry of Social Affairs and Employment Den Haag
photo © Johan van der Keuken

Moerwijk Housing Design
Atelier Kempe Thill
Moerwijk Housing Den Haag
image from Atelier Kempe Thill

Nautilus sky borne buildings
Eric Vreedenburgh – Archipelontwerpers
Penthouses Nautilus Den Haag
photo from architects
Penthouses Nautilus Den Haag

New Masterplan study
Rem Koolhaas

Netherlands Dance Theater
Rem Koolhaas Architect / OMA

Netherlands Forensic Institute, Ypenburg

Claus en Kaan Architecten
Netherlands Forensic Institute The Hague
photograph : Christian Richters
Netherlands Forensic Institute

Parard von Troje Performance Centre

Parliament Extension


Station for the Randstadrail network, Beatrixlaan, The Hague, Netherlands
Zwarts & Jansma Architects
Randstad Rail Station The Hague
picture : DigiDaan
Randstadrail Station Beatrixlaan : Den Haag

Villa Dali, Vroondaal
Villa Dali concept
photograph : Christiaan de Bruijne
Villa Dali

More architecture projects in The Hague online soon

Location: Den Haag, The Netherlands, western Europe.


Architecture in Den Haag

Netherlands Architecture Designs – architectural selection below:

Den Haag Architectural Designs – chronological list

Dutch Architect

Holland Buildings
Villa 1
photograph : Bas Princen

Dutch architects – UN Studio, fomerly Van Berkel & Bos Architectuurbureau

Dutch architects – Mecanoo

Netherlands Institute of Sound & Vision – Neutelings Riedijk Architecten Building

Comments / photos for the Den Haag Architecture page welcome