Dune Formations Zaha Hadid, Pictures, Installation Design Photos, Architect
Zaha Hadid Dune Formations : Photograph Set
David Gill Galleries – Venice Biennale Art : Full set of Images
post updated 8 July 2021
Dune Formations Venice Biennale
Design: Zaha Hadid and Patrik Schumacher
Venice Art Biennale 2007
Dune Formations for David Gill Galleries
Photography by Helene Binet
Campo di Madonna dell’Orto, Cannaregio 3933, Venezia
From 10th June to 31st August, Open from 11am to 7pm, Monday closed
David Gill Galleries and Zaha Hadid are proud to announce the opening of the Dune Formations installation to be previewed at the Scuola dei Mercanti during the Venice.
Biennale, 2007. The body of work has been created exclusively for the David Gill Galleries London and is a continuation of Hadid’s research and exploration into the dialogue of material geometry. Always questioning the restrictions imposed by an orthogonal arrangement, the total fluidity of her work continues to push the boundaries of architecture and design.
Dune Formations is an organic ensemble of unique furniture elements ranging from wall shelving units, tables, benches and an artificial tree. Every piece of the installation challenges traditional Cartesian geometries by blending vertical and horizontal into continuous three-dimensional surfaces. Advanced 3d modelling techniques are combined
with the processes of digital production and innovative materials. Metal and resins are melted into sinuous shapes, finished with a bespoke golden orange colour created in the UK.
Dune Formations Installation : more images & information
Dune Formations design : Zaha Hadid
PROGRAM: Installation for Venice Art Biennale
CLIENT: David Gill Galleries
Design Zaha Hadid with Patrik Schumacher
Design team: Michele Pasca di Magliano and Viviana Muscettola
Dune Formations emerge as a series of distinct elements, all generated by a common series of topological rules and differentiated by unique design features. The elements nest into each other to form a dynamic three-dimensional ensemble, where each object affects its neighbours and at the same time has the ability to live on its own as a piece.
Dune Formations for Scuola dei Mercanti in Venice is an organic ensemble of unique furniture elements ranging from wall shelving units, tables, benches and an artificial tree. Every piece of the installation challenges traditional Cartesian geometries by blending vertical and horizontal into continuous three-dimensional surfaces. Advanced 3d modelling techniques are combined with processes of digital production and innovative materials.
Metal and resins are melted into sinuous shapes finished with a bespoke golden orange colour.
Domestic objects are redefined into abstractions that lead to a unique interpretation of an interior landscape. Each element suggests a multiplicity of possible uses, introducing a creative combination of horizontal surfaces, display areas and seating elements.
DAVID GILL GALLERIES, 60 Fulham Road, London SW3 6HH, UK
+44 (0) 02 7589 5946
Dune Formations Venice Biennale images / information from Zaha Hadid Architects
Dune Formations design : Zaha Hadid Architects
Location: Venice, Italy, southern Europe
Venice Architecture
Contemporary Architecture in Venice
Venice Architecture Designs – chronological list
Venice Architecture Walking Tours
David Gill – Managing Director of David Gill Ltd
DAVID GILL attended Birkbeck College, London University where he studied History of Art. Following the university he was employed by Christies, London, in the late 1970s where he became interested in 20th Century furniture while working with modern and old master prints, after which time he opened the Fulham Road Gallery in 1987 and in July 1999 dawned the expansion of the business with the opening of the Loughborough Street Gallery.
David Gill has devoted his time and energy in promoting the excellence of the decorative arts through his galleries in London and by organizing exhibitions worldwide–Tokyo, New York, Hong Kong, Paris, Barcelona, Frankfurt, and Stockholm amongst others.
David Gill sees his role in the London art and design world as one of breaking down unhelpful and arbitrary divisions: between the decorative and the fifi ne arts, the rococo and the restrained, the heart and the head, perhaps even the emotional and the intellectual, allowing these apparently contradictory elements to co-exist and complement one another. There is no dogmatic concept or preconceived agenda to be followed.
In fact, David himself describes the theme of his selections thus: “ the common denominator among these things is my liking for them.” His aim has been to create a space and an atmosphere, far removed from the traditional gallery ideal of the sterile white box, in which the highly diverse objects that he creates and curates can be appreciated for themselves and gain from their surprising context and juxtapositions.
David Gill has been awarded by the Republic of France one of their highest distinctions “Chevalier de l’Ordre des Arts et des Lettres”.
Dune Formations : main page
Zaha Hadid : Pritzker Prize architects Winner 2004
The Pavilion Of Turkey – by curator Neyran Turan:
photo courtesy of IKSV
Venice Biennale Turkey Pavilion 2020
PiaveFutura, Padua, northern Italy
Design: David Chipperfield Architects Milan

photo courtesy of architects
PiaveFutur Campus Building in Padua
Water Filtration Plant – Depuratore San Erasmo
Sant’Erasmo filtration plant
The wave, Entrance of the 60th Film Festival
The Wave Venice
Website: La Biennale di Venezia
Buildings / photos for the Zaha Hadid Dune Formations page welcome