San Carlo ai Catinari Rome, Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, Italian Church Building

San Carlo ai Catinari Roma : Architettura

Roman Religious Building, Italy, Europe

San Carlo ai Catinari

Location: Corso Vittorio Emanuele II

Façade 1635-38

San Carlo ai Catinari Rome - Corso Vittorio Emanuele II

This Rome church, also called Santi Biagio e Carlo ai Catinari (“Saints Blaise and Charles in Catinari”) is an early-Baroque style church building. San Carlo ai Catinari is located on Piazza Benedetto Cairoli, 117 just off the corner of Via Arenula and Via dei Falegnami, a few blocks south of the church of Sant’Andrea della Valle.

The attribute ai Catinari refers to the presence, at the time of its construction, of many dishmaker shops in the same street as the church. The church was commissioned by the Order of the Barnabites and funded by the Milanese community in Rome to honour their fellow Milanese St. Charles Borromeo (Italian: San Carlo).

It is one of at least three Roman churches dedicated to him, including San Carlo al Corso and San Carlo alle Quattro Fontane (San Carlino). The main design was by Rosato Rosati between 1612 and 1620. The travertine façade was designed by Giovanni Battista Soria and construction occurred in 1635-38.

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Roman Buildings : Traditional architecture

Adjacent buildings include:

San Carlo alle Quattro Fontane

Palazzo di Quirinale

San Carlo ai Catinari images by adrian welch available upon request: photos 2816×2112 pixels

Location: San Carlo ai Catinari, Corso Vittorio Emanuele II, Rome, Italy, southern Europe

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