Les Saisons Retail Centre, Paris Shopping Buildings, French Architecture, Images
Les Saisons Retail Centre in Meaux
Shopping Mall Building in France – design by Arte Charpentier Architectes
page updated 28 Dec 2016 with new photos ; 12 Sep 2016
Les Saisons Retail Centre
Design: Arte Charpentier Architectes
Location: Meaux, Paris, France
Les Saisons Retail Centre
Situated just outside the town of Meaux, the shopping centre can be accessed via three major roads and thus enjoys exceptional accessibility.
This French retail project drew on the elements of the surrounding area to create a diversified landscape: it fits with the colorful fields of geometrically apportioned agricultural land, the winding meanders of the Ourcq Canal and the buildings of various shapes and sizes to create a fragmented and diversified landscape.
On the southern side a metal totem welcomes visitors as well as inhabitants and orients them on site. Its conception was a technical challenge and an inventive architectural design.
The countryside reaches into the site: banks, green roofs, planted pergolas, wooded areas and filtration ponds form links between the surrounding environment and the project.
Far from being a solitary unit placed upon its land, the project is designed as a landscape, a humanized territory, where people live and work.
It was redesigned to form a multitude of links between nature and urbanity.
The main walkway winds amid different volumes and is covered with an immense skylight with a visible metal structure.
This creates a protected promenade enjoying a constant natural light.
Visitors can stroll among the mall’s shops on two levels – on a low road and a high street.
They can also enjoy recreation areas or indoor and outdoor seating – suitable for rest, meetings or events.
The project heavily favors landscaped areas, they span 42 000 square meters, on top of which there are 29 300 m² of green roofing.
Arte Charpentier led the architecture, interior design and landscaping missions on the project.
Les Saisons Retail Centre Meaux – Building Information
Project owner: Immochan
Delegate project owner: Auchan
Architect, landscape design: Arte Charpentier Architectes
Interior design: Arte Charpentier Architectes
Roads and utility services: SNC Lavalin
Structures: SNC Lavalin
Fluids: SNC Lavalin
Economist: SNC Lavalin
HQE: Gecob
Inspection: Qualiconsult
Health and safety coordination: Qualiconsult
Fire safety: GNPS
Filtration gardens: Phytorestore
Travel: IRIS Conseil
Project address: ZAC du Parc d’Activités du Pays de Meaux
Post code: 77120
Town: Chauconin Neufmontiers
Delivery: 2015
Project program: shopping centre and leisure park
Surface area: 67 000 sqm (sales surface area 48,640 sqm, 95 shops)
Parking: 2,000 spaces in the basement, 1,000 spaces in the spiral car park
Environmental certifications: HQE, BREEAM
Photography: Alain Caste
Les Saisons Shopping Centre in Meaux information / images received 120916
Arte Charpentier Architectes on e-architect
Location: Meaux, Paris, France
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Les Saisons Retail Centre in Meaux by Arte Charpentier Architectes – set of thumbnail photos:
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Website: Arte Charpentier Architectes