Espoo Hospital, Helsinki Building, Finnish Project, Photo, News, Design, Image
Espoo Hospital Building
Finnish Architecture Development by K2S Architects near Helsinki, Finland, Europe
2 Sep 2009
Espoo Hospital
Location: west of Helsinki, Finland
Design: K2S Architects
Espoo Hospital Development
K2S has won the two stage international architecture competition for the design of a hospital in Espoo, Finland with its entry called “Orkidea”. The competition was organised by the city of Espoo in collaboration with the Finnish association of architects with the aim of finding a design for a building that promotes health rather than just a place for curing diseases.
Apart from the hospital function, old people’s accommodation and a children’s daycare centre are included in the design. According to the jury, the designed hospital can be characterised as “a centre of vitality and well-being without a trace of institutional feeling”.
The design consists of a number of free-form units in which rooms are arranged around internal courtyards. Rooms in the hospital face the outside of the building, while the space around the inner gardens functions both as circulation space and common living space.
Now that competition phase is completed, design work on the hospital will continue. The preliminary date of completion is scheduled for 2014.
Espoo Hospital Helsinki – Building Information
Architects: K2S Architects Ltd. – Kimmo Lintula, Mikko Summanen, Niko Sirola
Location: Puolarinportti 1, (Puolarmetsä), Espoo, Finland
Client: city of Espoo
Size: 56.600 m2
Design started: 2008
Expected completion: 2014
Images : K2S Architects Ltd.
Espoo Hospital of silence Helsinki images / information from K2S Architects
Location: Espoo, Helsinki, Finland, northeast Europe
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Website: Helsinki Finland