UIA HYP Cup 2017 International Student Competition, Architecture Design Contest
UIA HYP Cup 2017 International Student Competition
Architecture in Transformation Design Competition – organised by UED Magazine + UIA
UIA-HYP Cup 2021 Architecture Competition
10 Feb 2017
UIA HYP Cup 2017 International Student Competition News
Organisers: Urban Environment Design (UED) Magazine + International Union of Architects (UIA)
UIA HYP Cup 2017 International Student Competition in Architectural Design
This is the sixth session of this International architecture competition:
UIA HYP Cup 2017 International Student Competition in Architectural Design.
Theme: Architecture in Transformation
Topic: Transformation and Reconquest
Jury Chairman: Jean Nouvel
Registration Deadline: July 31, 2017
Submission Deadline: August 31, 2017
Jury Convenes: September, 2017
Topic: Transformation and Reconquest
The metropolis of the 21st century takes up too muchroom… It sprawls…
It must not keep evolving simply by expanding.
What vitaland disruptive architectures can you come up with to transform the existingspaces of your choice?
International Supporter:
Union International des Architectes (UIA)
Hosting Organization:
School of Architecture, Tianjin University;
Urban Environment Design (UED) Magazine
Co-hosting Organization:
School of Architecture, South China University of Technology
Jury Chairman:
Jean Nouvel, Famous French Architect;the 2008 Pritzker Architecture Prize Laureate
Executive Jury Chairman:
Cui Kai, UIA Representative; Academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering; Chinese Architecture Design Master
Official Website: http://hypcup2017.uedmagazine.net/?r=site&en=1
Urban Environment Design (UED) Magazine covers the frontier ideas and practice of architecture, predicts the trend of contemporary architecture, and analyzes the profound relations amongarchitectures, events, city and environment. From domestic to international,from the established architect to emerging minds, UED Magazine reports thecurrent significant events, competition, ideas, and works.
Address:Tsinghua University Haidian District, Beijing, P.R.C.
Tel: +86 13621393681
E-mail: [email protected]
UIA-HYP Cup 2016 information / images received from UED Magazine
Location: People’s Republic of China
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Comments / photos for the UIA-HYP Cup 2017 page welcome