Fairy Tales 2015, Blank Space, Architecture Storytelling Competition

Fairy Tales 2015 Competition

Architecture Storytelling Contest – organised by Blank Space

25 Oct 2014

Fairy Tales Contest 2015

Organiser: Blank Space

Fairy Tales 2015 Competition


(NEW YORK, NY, October 2014) – After the record breaking success of Fairy Tales 2014, with over 300 entries from 50 different countries, Blank Space is excited to announce that the second edition of the competition is now open for registration.

“When we launched the inaugural Fairy Tales competition, we could not have anticipated the overwhelming response it drew. The participants hailed from the most diverse backgrounds and from so many corners of the world we’d have a hard time visiting them all in one lifetime,” say Matthew Hoffman and Francesca Giuliani, Founders of Blank Space. “Each participant crafted their wildest architectural ideas, unleashing the power of architecture on universal themes at the core of humanity. The results were profound, and have been viewed, shared, tweeted and exhibited to millions of design fans around the world.”

Fairy Tales 2015 Competition

The Fairy Tales competition invites architects, designers, writers, artists, engineers, illustrators, students and creatives to submit their own unique architectural fairy tales. The scale, location, and program of the submission is up to each entrant. A successful entry crafts a text narrative, along with 5 images, in the most spectacular way possible.

The entries to the 2015 Fairy Tales competition will be reviewed by some of the most influential authorities in architecture, design, art, storytelling, and even business and entrepreneurship. The jury includes Anish Kapoor (Sculptor), Paola Antonelli (Senior Curator of Architecture & Design at the MoMA), Karim Rashid (Designer), Yves Behar (CEO of Fuseproject), John Hoke (VP Global Design at Nike), Jaime Derringer (Founder, Design Milk), Stanley Tigerman, FAIA (Tigerman McCurry Architects), Juergen Mayer (J Mayer H Architects), Shohei Shigematsu (Partner, OMA), Hunter Tura (CEO, Bruce Mau Design), Andy Hunter (Co Founder, Electric Literature), Matthew Hoffman and Francesca Giuliani (Co Founders, Blank Space).

In addition, Blank Space has partnered with the best architecture and design publications out there: Design Milk, Dwell, Archinect, Bustler and Archdaily. They will confer the winning entries to millions of design fans around the world, giving these unique architectural fairy tales the recognition they deserve.

“We created the Fairy Tales competition to reinstate architecture’s value and place in today’s world, to uncover truths about how architecture shapes society and how society shapes architecture,” says Francesca Giuliani.

“Architecture is an untapped source of magnificent stories waiting to be imagined, visualized, and built. The world can’t wait to be told stories like this. We hope many people will accept the challenge and write and design their own,” continues Matthew Hoffman.

Regular Registration ($50) will be open until December 12, and Late Registration ($75) until the Submission Deadline on January 16, 2015.

To register for Fairy Tales 2015 and for more detailed information, please visit: www.blankspaceproject.com

Find Twitter content about the Fairy Tales Competition by tracking the hashtag #FairyTales2015

Blank Space is an online platform for architecture, founded in 2013 by Matthew Hoffman and Francesca Giuliani. Matthew is an architect who believes architecture can be more interesting, more fun and more social. Francesca is a journalist who believes that communication is omnipresent, and that good communication helps great ideas change the world. Through competitions, publications, and projects, we uncover the true power of architecture by creating new opportunities for design to engage the public.

We like to think of Blank Space as an office for thought provocation, challenging architecture to rethink its role in society by speaking about things everybody can relate to, in a language understandable to all.


REGULAR REGISTRATION: Until December 12, 2014 ($50 USD)
LATE REGISTRATION: Until Submission Deadline ($70 USD)

1ST PRIZE: $1500 USD
2ND PRIZE: $1000 USD
HONORABLE MENTIONS: The jury will select up to 10 honorable mentions. Honorable mentions will be featured in our next publication, Fairy Tales, Volume II.

MEDIA COVERAGE: We have partnerships with the most influential architecture and design outlets in the world: Dwell, Design Milk, Archdaily, Archinect and Bustler. The winning designs will be published by our media partners to millions of design fans from around the world.

FAIRY TALES: VOLUME II: The life of the submissions doesn’t stop at the conclusion of the competition. Following the competition, Blank Space will publish the second volume of “Fairy Tales: When Architecture Tells A Story.” Select entries will be included in the book, as well as featured prominently on the Blank Space website. The book is sold at museums and bookstores around the world including The Museum of Modern Art (MoMA, NAi Booksellers and the Museum of Contemporary Art, Los Angeles (MOCA).

10 Mar 2014

Fairy Tales Contest Winners

Organiser: Blank Space

Fairy Tales Competition winners

Fairy Tales Contest Winner

Fairy Tales Competition

Fairy Tales information / images received from Blank Space

Location:New York

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Comments / photos for the Fairy Tales 2015 CompetitionArchitecture Contest page welcome

Fairy Tales 2015 Competition

Website: www.blankspaceproject.com