Architecture of Necessity Competition 2013, Swedish Architectural Contest, News
Architecture of Necessity : Triennial in Sweden
Scandinavia Design Contest – Virserum Art Museum
7 Jan 2013
Architecture of Necessity Triennial
Architecture of Necessity, Scandinavia
An international triennial for sustainable community building
15 Feb 2013 submission deadline
During the autumn of 2009, Virserum Art Museum launched their international manifesto on the Architecture of Necessity. 143 entries from 28 countries were submitted for the 2012 exhibition, 42 of which went on display. Now the Architecture of Necessity is set to become an international triennial for sustainable community building.
What can be submitted?
Entries can be buildings or social and city planning projects of all sizes. Submissions have to fall within the scope of the Architecture of Necessity. Entries are accepted from professionally active individuals or legal persons such builders, architectural bureaus, local government, construction firms or other companies. The submitted projects must be dated between 2010 and 2013, but do not have to be realised.
How should the entries be presented?
Entries should be presented on four A3 pages, landscape format, in one PDF document. Maximum file size 20MB. The submitted material must include a short text describing the project in relation to the Architecture of Necessity. The text should be in 12p Helvetica Neue Light and contain no more than 2,800 characters. Site plans, sections, illustrations and photographs should be enclosed.
Every entry must be submitted only once, via email. This email should contain:
Complete contact details of the participant (name, telephone number, mobile phone number, postal address and current email address), as well as the motto of the entry.
The project should be attached to the email as a single PDF document. The motto should be clearly stated in the presentation text.
The presentation itself shall not include name, address, company name, branding or logo. Please submit entries to: [email protected]
Entries should be submitted to Virserum Art Museum no later than 15 February 2013. Entrants chosen for inclusion in the exhibition will be notified no later than 28 March 2013.
Successful participants are then required to supply high-resolution material as instructed by Virserum Art Museum. A jury will select three to five winners. Winners will be notified within a reasonable time prior to WOOD SUMMIT SMÅLAND, 26 to 27 June 2013, where they will be expected to present their entries.
Taking part in the first selection process is free of charge. Entrants who are chosen for the exhibition will be required to pay a €250 service charge per chosen project. The service charge is payable to Virserum Art Museum no later than 15 April 2013.
The winners will be announced during WOOD SUMMIT SMÅLAND, 26 to 27 June 2013. Entrants whose projects are chosen for presentation at the summit will be reimbursed with SEK10,000, travel expenses to Virserum and WOOD SUMMIT SMÅLAND, as well as one night’s accommodation for one person.
Jury and exhibition
An international jury will be responsible for the selection of entries and the winners. The jury will be led by Claes Caldenby, professor of architectural theory and history at Chalmers University of Technology in Gothenburg, Sweden. The remaining jury members will be announced at a later date. The exhibition will be held at Virserum Art Museum between 5 May and 15 September, 2013, as part of WOOD 2013.
For more information, please contact:
Maria Thyberg, Project Secretary, +46 (0) 49 53 15 64, [email protected]
5 May – 15 Sep 2013
Exhibiiton at Virserum Art Museum
Virserum Art Museum
Kyrkogatan 34
570 80 Virserum
Location:Virserum Art Museum, Kyrkogatan 34, 570 80 Virserum, Sweden
Scandinavian Architecture – Selection
Swedish Architecture + Swedish Architects
Architecture Competitions – Selection
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[AC-CA] Architecture Competitions
Museum Of Architecture Competition
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