How to take proper care of the furnace guide, Home heating advice, Online property warmth tips

House Maintenance Tips: How to Take Proper Care of the Furnace

1 February 2023

How to take proper care of the furnace

In the dead of winter, your furnace can be a literal lifesaver. It warms up the air inside, so the freezing cold stays where it belongs: outside.

But if you don’t take good care of your furnace, it might break down when you most need it. This is why maintenance is essential, and should never be put off.

Read on for fantastic tips on how to take care of your furnace.

Clean or Replace the Air Filter

Air filters ensure that your air quality is in tip-top shape. They remove things like bacteria, dust, pollen, mold spores, and pet dander.

Naturally, they’ll get clogged over time, so check them every month or so. Clean or replace them if you can’t see light shining through when you hold them up. Otherwise, your furnace will work unnecessarily hard.

Home furnace care flame

Clean the Gas Valve

Dust and debris can gradually collect on the gas valve. So if your pilot light went out, these things might be the culprit. Clean the gas valve quickly, as gas buildup can occur.

First, shut off the electricity and gas going to your furnace. Then use a wire brush or straightened paper clip to eliminate the buildup. Spray compressed air over the area, then vacuum up the remaining debris.

Clean the Furnace Itself

A dirty furnace won’t run efficiently, so take the time to shut it down and thoroughly clean its parts. You’ll want to focus mainly on the blower, motor, and filter system.

While you’re at it, make sure there are no flammable objects around the furnace. It’s best to keep the area clear of things, so it doesn’t overheat.

Check the Vents

Your household vents need to be open and clear of dust, as well as objects blocking their paths. If air can’t get through them, it can lead to carbon monoxide poisoning.

Every once in a while, double-check that the vents are indeed open. Dust and wipe them down to keep them unblocked.

If you have a gas furnace, keep the exhaust flue outside clear too.

Have a Professional Check Your Furnace

You should schedule a maintenance check at least once a year; ideally, before cold weather settles in. An HVAC specialist can thoroughly inspect your furnace to ensure it’s in working order. And if it’s not, then they can fix it up.

Professional maintenance is a good idea since a specialist’s expertly trained eyes can catch things before you even notice them. As a result, your furnace will have a longer lifespan. They can also perform the checks, cleanings, and replacements, so you don’t have to.

Make Sure Your Furnace Is Well Maintained

Staying nice and toasty during low temperatures is a must. It can be bad for your health to have cold temperatures inside, especially if you have young children and/or the elderly living with you.

Be proactive and take care of your furnace. With regular maintenance, you’ll be able to rely on it for years to keep you warm.

Read our other blog articles to learn other house maintenance tips.

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