concrete Architects, Netherlands Architecture Office, Holland Design Studio, Building Project Photos, News

concrete Architects, Netherlands

Contemporary Dutch Architecture Practice – Design Office in Holland: Studio News

Post updated 17 July 2024

Latest Designs by concrete, chronological:

23 Dec 2021
Oikoa, Spinhuisbredehoek 10, Zwolle, The Netherlands
Oikoa Massage Boutique Zwolle
photo : concrete – wouter van der sar
Oikoa Massage Boutique Zwolle
concrete designed the interior and the graphic identity, and the name Oikoa is all about inner self and wellbeing. Oikoa, the Finnish word for ‘smooth correction, provides an introverted realm of calm. A place that invites you to leave the outer world behind, and to recharge in a natural and harmonious environment.

concrete Architects News

concrete Architects Designs

6 Oct 2016
CitizenM Shoreditch, East London, England, UK
CitizenM Shoreditch Hotel London design by concrete Architects
photo : Richard Powers
CitizenM Shoreditch
The entrance at ground floor level is marked and covered by the overhanging first-floor lobby. A colourful mural by AVAF that runs all the way up to the first floor, combined with the iconic spiral staircase, invites people to enter the building and visit the hotel.

8 Dec 2014
New supperclub in the Odeon building, Singel 460, Amsterdam, The Nehterlands
supperclub Amsterdam design by concrete Netherlands
photo © Wouter van der Sar for concrete
supperclub building by concrete Amsterdam
After seventeen years, the original and first supperclub has found a new location in the Odeon building at the Singel 460 in Amsterdam. supperclub offers a complete harmony of food, drinks, lights and sound, merged into an atmosphere that offers an escape from the everyday world.

More architecture projects by concrete online soon

Location: Oudezijds Achterburgwal 78a, 1012 DR Amsterdam, Netherlands, western Europe

Amsterdam Architect Practice Information

Architect studio based in Amsterdam (Holland).

Dutch Architects

1012 dr amsterdam
oudezijds achterburgwal 78a
the netherlands

t. +31(0)20 5200 200 f. +31(0)20 5200 201 [email protected]

Amsterdam Buildings

Major New Dutch Buildings

Amsterdam Architecture Designs – chronological list

Amsterdam Walking Tours

Amsterdam Architecture Designs – architectural selection below:

Diamond Exchange
Design: ZJA

photo © Capital C Amsterdam
Diamond Exchange, Capital C Amsterdam
The Diamond Exchange, Capital C Amsterdam won the prestigious MIPIM Award 2020 for ‘Best Refurbished Building’ at the Paris Real Estate Week. The historical building, designated as a national monument, has undergone a major renovation designed by the architectural office ZJA in collaboration with Heyligers design + projects.

Masterplan Marktkwartier, Amsterdam, North-Holland, The Netherlands
Architects: Mecanoo

images : GVd Werff, Bank Amsterdam and Mecanoo
Masterplan Marktkwartier Amsterdam

Dutch Buildings

Amsterdam Architects Studios

Dutch Architecture

Contemporary Dutch Architectural Studio

According to this Dutch architectural studio:

“we develop them in architecture, interior design, urban development and brand development.

concrete loves provoking, confusing, philosophizing, scale models, haute cuisine, burgers, and (most of all) shattering dogmas.

concrete provides results. no grand theories or abstract ideas. just things that work.

concrete unites people. we work with a team of 55 multi-disciplinary creatives as architects, interior designers and visual marketeers to help businesses and institutions.

concrete wants the best anwers, not the easiest solutions.

concrete likes to let the work do the talking”

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concrete Amsterdam – Architecture Practice NL – page
