Archi5 Architects, Building, Paris Design Studio, Warsaw Architect Office
Archi5 Architects
Contemporary Architecture Practice – Polish and French architectural firm information and news
post updated 13 Apr 2021
Archi5 Practice Information
archi5 was founded in 2003 as the result of its founders’ common studio experience and the approach they share towards architecture. A context-based approach to projects is key: the site, the programme, the social and cultural challenges are all examined, analysed, compared and transformed into questions. Projects offer a dynamic and comprehensive response to these issues to the highest standard, which has come to be archi5’s trademark. This approach is visible, legible in every building.
archi5 has a staff of 35 people working in Paris and Warsaw. Founding partners Jacques Sebbag, Bernard Guillien, Laurent Boudrillet, Thomas Dryjski and Anne Pezzoni gained experience in
architecture in Paris-Belleville and in Henri Ciriani’s studio, him being a forerunner of the modern trend. This is where they understood how the architectural approach prevails over formal dogma. They all have an urban vision and they pool their common experience in a major project.
The studio welcomes new talent as a way for mutual enrichment.
Recent Works
archi5 buildings currently under construction include the Multisport Center La Fontaine in Antony, the School Coeur de Ville in Bezons, the Dwellings in Borderouge – Toulouse, the Lyceum Louise Michel and Louis Aragon in Gisors, the School in Jules Verne, the college Louise Michel in Clichy, the Masterplan and Development of the New City of Maringà in Brasil, the Dwellings in Saint Denis.
archi5’s recently completed projects include the Mediatheque in Marsan (LEAF Awards 2013, Overall Winner and Culture Building), the Léo Lagrange Stadium in Toulon (LEAF Awards 2013, best sports building), the Multisports Center in Antony (2011), the College Gymnasium in Villetaneuse (2011), the Lycéè Marcel Sembat in Sotteville lès Rouen (2011- PRIX ROUX DORLUT 2013 from the French Architectural Academy), the Lighthouse in Belfort (WAF 2009, Commended Project; IAKS Awards 2009, Silver Medal) the Maison du Chemin de l’Île à Nanterre (WAF 2009, Selected Project).
archi5 has a strong knoledge on Prison Design. Counting over 10 finished projects in France, the Studio in now working on the important development of the Penitentiary Center of Baumettes, Marseille.
More Archi5 projects online soon
Location: Paris, France, western Europe
Paris and Warsaw Architects Studio
Archi5 studio based in Paris and Warsaw
Paris Office
Architecture agency
48-50 rue Voltaire
93100 Montreuil, France
Tél. +33 1 48 59 16 08 – Fax. +33 1 48 59 65 54
Warsaw Office
02 -561 Warszawa
ul. Dąbrowskiego 39
Tél. +48 22 854 20 84 – Fax. +48 22 854 29 12
[email protected]
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