Prague Victory Square Competiiton, Vítězné náměstí Praha, Czech Design Contest News
Prague Victory Square Design Contest
Vítězné náměstí Architecture Contest in the Capital City of Czechia
26 Apr 2018
Location: Vítězné náměstí, Prague, Czech Republic
A new architectural-urbanist competition for an important square in Prague, Czech Republic:
Prague Victory Square Architecture Competition
The City of Prague Prague Institute of Planning and Development Announces
PRAGUE INSTITUTE OF PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT Vyšehradská 57/2077, 128 00 Prague 2 Tel +420 236 001 111
image courtesy of architecture contest organisers
Prague Victory Square Design Competition News
0 | Preamble
1 | Contracting Authority, jury, invited experts and auxiliary bodies
2 | Subject, competition design requirements, purpose and mission of the competition, specifications of the subsequent contract
3 | Basic parameters of the competition and announcement of results
4 | Conditions of participation in the competition
5 | Competition conditions, competition documents
6 | Competition design, its parts and contents, graphic and other formatting
7 | Method and conditions of submitting competition designs
8 | Evaluation criteria for competition designs
9 | Prizes, compensation of expenses associated with participation in the competition and their taxation
10 | Main competition dates and course of the competition
11 | Consent with the competition conditions, objections
12 | Copyright
13 | Protocol of the meeting and decision of the jury
14 | Approval of competition conditions
15 | Annexes
Competition conditions
The international urban planning competition for vítězné náměstí
0 | Preamble
Vítězné náměstí is the most important public space of the north-western part of Prague and the key center of the city district of Prague 6. It is located on the boundary of the historical district of Hradčany and modern buildings from the interwar and post-war period in Dejvice. The site area is stabilized in terms of urban development.
Vítězné náměstí is to become a representative area of Prague 6, which will be easily permeable and accessible to all of its users, whether they are on foot, on a bike, in a car or using public transport. The contracting authority expects the competition design to strengthen all of the basic functions of the square, namely residential, social and representative. Life on the square should primarily take place above ground, not below.
The entire district, including the square, was built according to a masterplan designed by architect Antonín Engel in 1924. He proposed a new district regulation around the square, which was only partially implemented, and it is now up to Prague to continue this development.
The high frequency of individual passenger car traffic has a significant impact on the current character of the square. Meanwhile, many other users are present in the area. In addition to local inhabitants, there are also employees of the General Staff of the Army of the Czech Republic, students and employees of the Czech Technical University (CTU), and the University of Chemistry and technology (UCT), commuters traveling and transferring from the metro to the tram and bus lines and commuters heading to the north-west of Prague.
It is assumed that the completion of construction of the north-west quadrant of the square will take place in the future with a block structure that will be in keeping with the massing and spatial regulation of the original masterplan. It is necessary to make a new design for the square that will correspond with its significance and will appropriately relate to the design by professor Engel.
1 | Contracting Authority, jury, invited experts and auxiliary bodies
1.1 | Identification information for the Contracting Authority and processor of the conditions
Prague Institute of Planning and Development, Vyšehradská 57/2077, 128 00 Prague 2 IČ 70883858 represented by the director Mgr. Ondřej Boháč tel +420 236 001 111
1.2 | Secretary of the competition
Mgr. Ing. Michaela Komárková tel. + 420 602 354 402 e-mail [email protected]
1.3 | Trusted person
JUDr. Josef Pavelka, Law Office IČ: 63116375, Na Strážku 2071/6, Modřany, 143 00 Prague
Authorized person for issues of technical security of anonymous communication with competition participants. Examines qualification compliance, sends calls for supplementary documents and calls to the 2nd stage of the competition and the contracting authority´s decisions for disqualification after the 1st stage of the competition.
1.4 | Legal Support
JUDr. Ivana Nováková
1.5 | Reviewers of the competition designs
Ing. arch. Petra Hrubešová Rostislav Zapletal, DiS. Ing. arch. Martin Hložka Ing. arch. Miroslav Vodák
1.6 | Jury
Independent Members of the Jury prof. Ing. arch. Jan Jehlík / architect–urbanist, Studio Jan Jehlík, Praha Peter James Heath / Atkins Design Director Public Realm, London prof. Ivan Reimann / Müller–Reimann architekten, Berlin doc. Ing. arch. Antonín Novák / DRNH Studio, Brno doc. PhDr. Petr Kratochvíl, CSc. / theoretician in architecture Ing. arch. MgA. Alena Korandová / Koranda–Korandová studio, Beroun
Dependent Members of the Jury Mgr. Adriana Krnáčová, MBA / mayor of the City of Prague Mgr. Petra Kolínská / deputy mayor of The City of Prague Petr Dolínek / deputy mayor of The City of Prague Mgr. Ondřej Kolář / mayor of the Prague 6 City District Ing. arch. Martin Polách / deputy mayor of the Prague 6 City District
Substitute independent jurors Ing. arch. MgA. Martin Rusina, Ph.D. / Rusina–Frei studio, Prague Ing. arch. MgA. Pavel Nasadil / FAM studio, Prague Ing. arch. Juraj Calaj / EDIT! studio Prague
Substitute dependent jurors Ing. arch. MgA. Petr Janda / representative of mayor Adriana Krnáčová MgA. Štěpán Toman / assistant to deputy mayor Petra Kolínská Mgr. Michael Pokorný / representative of deputy Petr Dolínek MgA. Marek Kopeć / IPR Prague doc. Ing. arch. Pavla Melková, Ph.D. / IPR Prague
1.7 | Invited experts
The invited experts are: prof. Ing. arch. Ladislav Lábus, Hon. FAIA / Faculty of Architecture CTU Ing. arch. Petr Šichtanc / UCT ak. mal. Zora Grohmanová Ing. Jan Špilar / transport specialist, IPR Prague Ing. Lukáš Tittl / transport specialist IPR Prague Ing. arch. Kateřina Szentesiová / IPR Prague Ing. Jan Šurovský, Ph.D., Ing. Ladislav Urbánek / representatives of DPP a.s. Ing. Ivo Novotný / representative of ROPID
Ing. Pavlína Koutková, Mgr. Jiří Skalický / representatives of Prague City Hall Heritage Department Ing. arch. Zdenka Poliačiková, Mgr. Jan Holeček / representatives of National Heritage Department Ing. Radek Janoušek / cost specialist
1.8 |
In the course of its deliberations, the jury may ask the contracting authority to invite additional professionals and experts.
2 | Subject, competition design requirements, purpose and mission of the competition, specifications of the subsequent contract
2.1 | Subject of the Competition
The subject of the competition is to propose a design for the area of Vítězné náměstí with all urban and transport links in the subject location and the creation of a public space of representative and residential character in keeping with its newly proposed traffic plan. The area of the square should be primarily designed for the needs of Prague 6 residents. The design proposal should return the square back to its users. The subject of the proposal is to design a public space within the ownership of the City of Prague, not the development of the adjacent plots.
2.2 | Competition Brief – Competition Design Requirements of the subject of the competition are as follows:
The Contracting Authority’s requirements for the subject of the competition design and other information are described in detail in Document P00 Competition Brief.
Resolution of aspects not listed in Document P00 Competition Brief is left up to the imagination of the participants.
2.3 | Consequences of non-compliance with the Contracting Authority’s competition design requirements of the subject of the competition
The requirements listed in Document P00 Competition Brief are defined as a recommendation and non-compliance with these requirements does not constitute a reason to exclude the competition design from the evaluation and to exclude an participant from the competition. The quality and complexity of incorporating these requirements into a competition design will be subject to jury evaluation within the criteria set forth in paragraph 8.
2.4 | Purpose and Mission of the Competition
The purpose of the competition for a competition design is to find and reward the most appropriate solution for the subject of the competition, which best fulfills the
requirements of the contracting authority contained within the competition conditions and competition documents.
The contracting authority expects, following this competition, to award a public contract to complete the proposal of the area of Vítězné náměstí to the format of a detailed Concept Study, in a negotiated procedure without publication. The Contracting Authority reserves the right not to award the related public contract. The competition participant who, based on the results of a negotiated procedure without publication following up the design competition, will be awarded a contract for a work containing a license agreement for the completion of the Concept Study, undertakes to grant the contracting authority an exclusive license unlimited in time and territorial rights to use the work, with the option of granting sublicenses to third parties applying methods pursuant to § 12 of Act No. 121/2000 Coll., on copyright, on rights related to copyright and on amendments to certain laws (Copyright Act). The price for the license and the activities to be secured by the competition participant will be stipulated in the contract for the work.
The City of Prague City Hall expects to award an overlimit public contract for the processing of all phases of the project documentation for the preparation of The City of Prague’s investment project “Reconstruction of Vítězné náměstí”. The subject of the public contract will be based on the proposal of the overall design solution of the area of Vítězné naměsti completed in the form of a Concept Study. This study will also become the determinant standard basis for drawing up project design documentation for all other investment projects that are adjacent to or located within the site area (see Document P01).
3 | Basic parameters of the competition and announcement of results
3.1 | The competition is announced as: —
international —
an urban planning-architectural competition — open call —
anonymous, two-stage (two-round) —
project competition
3.2 | Scope of 1st Stage of the Competition
Emphasis will be placed on the solution of urban planning and transport connections in the given location, and the overall urban-architectural planning concept.
3.3 | Scope of 2nd Stage of the Competition
Emphasis will be placed on elaboration of details of the chosen concept and incorporating the recommendations of the jury stated in the call to the 2nd stage.
At least 3 and a maximum of 6 competition participants will advance to 2nd stage, whose designs were evaluated by the jury as being of the highest quality in 1st stage.
3.4 | Language of the Prague Victory Square Design Competition and Legal Order
The Prague Victory Square Design Competition is announced and will take place in the Czech language
All parts of the competition design must be prepared in the Czech language.
The Prague Victory Square Design Competition will take place in accordance with Czech legislation.
The Prague Victory Square Design Competition conditions and Document P00 Competition Brief are also translated to English. In the event of any discrepancy between the language versions, the Czech language versions of the competition conditions and the competition documents are decisive.
3.5 | Anticipated Value of the Prague Victory Square Design Competition
The amount of competition prizes and compensations for expenses is 3 280 000 Kč without VAT.
Expected building costs for the reconstruction of Vítězné náměstí amounts to CZK 550,000,000 without VAT (The estimated cost includes only the costs of public space modifications including tram line modifications and standard infrastructure relocations and does not include the cost of developments directly adjacent to the public space.) The costs will be reviewed on the basis of a completed Concept Study.
4 | Conditions of participation in the Prague Victory Square Design Competition
4.1 | Competition participants
Basic Competence The design competition is open to natural or legal persons or companies of natural or legal persons established pursuant to § 2716 of Act No. 89/2012 Coll., of the Civil Code, as amended, that meet the basic competence pursuant to § 74 of the Act, further specified in Annex no. 3 of these Competition Conditions.
Professional competence
a) Pursuant to § 77 paragraph 1 of the Act, it is required that a participant is registered in the commercial register or other similar record, if another legal regulation requires registration in such a record (does not apply to natural persons and their companies or to legal entities with headquarters in a country where legislation does not require such registration).
b) A competition participant must be an authorized architect in the field of architecture or an authorized architect of general scope pursuant to the provisions of § 4 paragraph 2 letter a) or § 4 paragraph 4 of Act No. 360/1992 Coll.
4.2 | Demonstration of the fulfillment of the conditions of participation in the competition
The participant shall demonstrate fulfillment of the conditions given in section 4.1 of the Competition Conditions below in letters a) to c) with the listed documents inserted in the envelope “Author – 1st stage”:
a) fulfillment of the condition listed under section 4.1.1 by sworn declaration following the example given in Annex No. 3.
b) fulfillment of the condition listed under section 4.1.2 letter a) by sworn declaration following the example given in Annex No. 4.
c) fulfillment of the condition listed under section 4.1.2 letter b) by sworn declaration following the example given in Annex No. 5.
If a competition design is presented by a company of natural persons acting as a single participant: Each of these persons must fulfill the conditions stated in section 4.1.1, and will demonstrate the conditions listed in section 4.1.2 letter b) jointly.
If a competition design is presented by a company of legal entities acting as a single participant:
Each must fulfill the conditions listed in sections 4.1.1 and 4.1.2 letter a), and they demonstrate fulfillment of the condition listed under section 4.1.2 letter b) jointly. Legal entities demonstrate the fulfillment of conditions of basic competence pursuant to §74 paragraph 2 of the Act.
A participant may demonstrate the conditions listed in section 4.1.2 b) (authorization) through another entity.
A foreign participant demonstrates the fulfillment of the conditions of participation in the competition in the scope corresponding to the legislation of the country in which the participant maintains a headquarters.
4.3 | C onsequences of non-compliance of the conditions for participation in the competition
If, in the envelopes labeled „Author“, the participant does not submit the required documents demonstrating the fulfillment of the conditions of participation in the competition according to paragraph 4.1, the Contracting Authority may call on him/her in writing to provide the required documents within the time limit he sets. If the participant does not submit the required documents by the end of the deadline, the Contracting Authority may exclude him/her from the competition.
Further sections can be provided by the competition organsiers
Prague Victory Square Design Competition images / information received 260418
The 4th Quadrant of Victory Square International Architectural Competition
photo source: ONplan, photo: Libor Fojtík
4th Quadrant of Victory Square Prague Competition
Location: Vítězné náměstí, Praha
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Comments / photos for the Prague Victory Square Design Competition page welcome
Website: Vítězné náměstí