Westerdokseiland Amsterdam building, Dutch MVRDV architecture, NL architect design images

Westerdokseiland Amsterdam

Contemporary Docklands Housing in The Netherlands design by MVRDV Architects, Holland.

post updated 27 April 2024

Date built: 2007-09

Design: MVRDV, Architects

Amsterdam Docklands Housing

Westerdokseiland Amsterdam, Dutch Housing
residential building image from MVRDV architets

post updated 28 Mar 2021

Westerdokseiland Amsterdam

Westerdok adopts the design concept of light and openness; with a total floor area of 6000 m2, Westerdok contains 46 apartments and a day-care centre offering diverse outdoor spaces and views over the western docklands of Amsterdam.

Westerdokseiland Housing Westerdokseiland Amsterdam
images from MVRDV architets

Each apartment’s balcony varies in depth and stretches as a band along the entire façade, offering occupants outdoor spaces and views over the western docklands of Amsterdam. With the majority of other buildings in the VOC Cour port redevelopment in brick, the floor-to-ceiling glass façade, which can be fully opened, offers a wonderful contrast.

Westerdokseiland Property in Amsterdam – Building Information

Year built: 2009
Surface: 6000 m²
Client: O.M.A. (Ontwikkelings Maatschappij Apeldoorn)
Status: Realized
Programs: Educational, Residential

Westerdokseiland Amsterdam design : MVRDV Architects

Location: Westerdoksdijk, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, western Europe

Westerdok Apartment Building

Amsterdam Architecture

Amsterdam Architecture Designs – architectural selection below:

Silodam – housing, Oude Houthaven, also designed by the MVRDV architects studio:
Silodam Building

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Westerdokseiland Amsterdam architect : MVRDV Architects

Amsterdam Architecture – contemporary building information

Amsterdam Buildings – historic building information

Amsterdam Architecture Walking Tours

The urban development plan for the Westerdokseiland (Western Dock Island) project comprises a series of perimeter blocks situated between the IJdijk and the Westerdok. The development plan for the Westerdokseiland Zuidblok ‘its southern block’ was masterminded by Meyer & Van Schooten Architecten.

The architecture within this block was designed by three selected architects offices, namely Meyer & Van Schooten Architecten, Heren 5 Architecten and de Architekten Cie. In the urban design for the Zuidblok it was decided to set three groups of dwellings around a semi-public inner area, a so-called ‘cour’.

Each such ‘cour’ has two main entrances, on IJdijk and Westerdokskade respectively, which give access to the various vertical circulation points within. The three cours with their housing clusters are being developed above a two-storey garage with more than 200 parkingspaces.
source: http://en.cie.nl/projects/17

Winy Maas

Amsterdam Architect – Dutch capital architecture office listings on e-architect

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Design: ZJA

photo © Capital C Amsterdam
Diamond Exchange, Capital C Amsterdam

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