Amsterdam Architect, Dutch Architecture Practices, Engineers Companies Holland, NL Design Studios

Amsterdam Architect Offices

Architectural Offices in The Netherlands – Dutch Design Practices Contact Information

post updated 7 March 2022

Amsterdam Architecture Studios

Netherlands Architects Offices – Dutch Architecture Studios contact details:

We feature a selection of celebrated architects from the Dutch capital city – we have posted images of the best and most interesting current Amsterdam building designers globally:

Architect phone / fax e-mail / website address
allard architecture +31 20 620 55 99
+31 20 620 63 80
allard architecture
Lijnbaansgracht 36
1015 GR Amsterdam
Claus en Kaan Architecten :
020 626 03 79
020 627 84 09
Claus en Kaan Architecten
Postbus 1913, 1000 BX Amsterdam, Krijn Taconiskade 444
1087 HW Amsterdam
NL Architects +31 (0)20 620 73 23
+31 (0)20 638 61 92
NL Architects
Van Hallstraat 294
1051 HM Amsterdam
NNN Arquitectos +31 614 16 29 81 info(at)
NNN Arquitectos
J.J. Cremerplein 39 III
1054 TH Amsterdam
Rapp+Rapp B.V. +31 (0) 20 520 6111 info(at)
Rapp+Rapp B.V.
Emmaplein 2
1075 AW Amsterdam
The Netherlands
Zwarts & Jansma Architects +31 (0)20 535 22 00
+31 (0)20 535 22 11
Zwarts & Jansma Architects
Postal address:
P.O. Box 2129
1000 CC Amsterdam

Residential address:
Vijzelstraat 72,
1017 HL Amsterdam

Amsterdam Architect Practices Listing

Architects + Landscape Architects + Structural Engineers with offices in Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Amsterdam Architects Additions welcome: info(at) /

Amsterdam Architecture Center
photograph © Luuk Kramer

The Amsterdam Architecture page aims to promote Amsterdam Architects as well as the city’s architecture. Amsterdam Architects’ details are listed for an annual fee, likewise for Amsterdam Structural Engineers, etc. Additions to our selection of current Dutch capital building designers are welcome.

See Architect Profiles Information for prices and details.

Location: Amsterdam, The Netherlands, western Europe

New Netherlands Architecture

Contemporary Netherlands Buildings

Dutch Architecture Studios – Netherlands design firm listings on e-architect – Dutch practice contact details

Amsterdam Architecture

Amsterdam Architecture Walking Tours by e-architect

Amsterdam Architecture Center

Amsterdam Architecture Designs – architectural selection below:

Café de Parel
Interior Design: Ninetynine
Cafe de Pare Westerstraat Amsterdam
photograph : Ewout Huibers
The Pearl Café on Westerstraat
Café de Parel was originally a typical Amsterdam ‘brown bar’ with an old-fashioned dark interior and low lighting. The traditional stained-glass windows and monumental tile tableaus create the perfect setting for the new Parel.

Masterplan Marktkwartier, Amsterdam, North-Holland, The Netherlands
Architects: Mecanoo
Masterplan Marktkwartier Housing Amsterdam
images : GVd Werff, Bank Amsterdam and Mecanoo
Masterplan Marktkwartier Amsterdam

Zaanstad Sports Centre
Design: UArchitects
Sports Centre Building Zaanstad Zuid Holland
photograph : Daan Dijkmeijer
Zaanstad Sports Centre
The city of Zaanstad in The Netherlands does have high ambitions in the field of sports. Playing sports should be possible for people of all ages, cultures and religions.

Amsterdam Architecture Photos

Amsterdam Buildings

Amsterdam Housing

Architects Offices

Amsterdam Architecture Studio : Jo Coenen & Co Architects

German Architect – architectural firm listings on e-architect for Germany

Additions for the Amsterdam Architecture StudiosDutch Design Practices page welcome