Inverness Justice Centre Building Images, IJC, Architect, Scottish Project News
Inverness Justice Centre Building News
New Architecture in northern Scotland design by Reiach and Hall Architects
9 Mar 2018
Inverness Justice Centre Construction News
Design: Reiach and Hall, Architects
Construction begins of Scotland’s first justice centre
image courtesy of architects practice
Inverness Justice Centre Building Construction
Work has begun on Scotland’s first purpose-built Justice Centre in Inverness due to be completed late 2019. As well as providing modern court and tribunals facilities, a range of justice and support organisations will be based in the centre providing integrated facilities for victims, witnesses, litigants and other users. Specialist facilities for children and young people will be incorporated within the design.
The Justice Secretary Michael Matheson, Scottish Courts and Tribunals Service Chief Executive Eric McQueen and Grampian, Highland and Islands Sheriff Principal Derek Pyle officially broke the ground at the start of construction, joined by the justice centre partners.
Justice Secretary Michael Matheson said: “Today brings us a step closer to providing new facilities to deliver a truly 21st century service. Scottish Government funding of £30 million has made the project possible, reflecting our commitment to deliver a justice system that is accessible, modern and fit-for-purpose.
“The new Inverness Justice Centre will give the people of the Highlands access to modern facilities and support all in the same place, which will have a positive impact on local communities.”
Eric McQueen, SCTS Chief Executive said: “Inverness Justice Centre is a unique opportunity to bring organisations together, focussing where practical on problem-solving approaches to reduce reoffending and increase the opportunity for community sentencing.
“The centre will represent the changing face of justice by including facilities and technology to remove the need for children to appear in person at court and to support the development of digital case management for summary crime in the future.”
Frank Reid, managing director, Robertson Northern said: “Inverness Justice Centre will host a wide range of vital services and organisations for the local community, making this building one of the most important in the Highlands for years to come.
“Being selected to work on delivering Scotland’s first new Justice Centre, through Scape Group’s Major Works framework, is a proud moment and we’re looking forward to getting the construction work underway and delivering a hugely significant building that the whole of the Highlands, and Scotland, can be proud of.
“We’re delighted to be involved in the construction of Inverness Justice Centre and look forward to seeing the benefits the new centre will bring to Inverness and the surrounding area for many years to come.”
With ongoing support and funding from the Scottish Government, the SCTS is confident the justice centre will be a landmark building in the city. The design was approved by The Highland Council Planning Committee in September 2017 following extensive and successful public and stakeholder engagement. The justice centre is being constructed on the site of a former bus depot on Longman Road next to the Police Headquarters in Inverness.
In addition to the direct justice benefits, the location of the justice centre means that Inverness Castle – the current home of the courts will transfer to the Highland Council when vacant, enabling a long-term desire for its use as a major tourism attraction in Inverness.
Robertson Northern Ltd is scheduled to complete the main building works in 2019.
Organisations and services supported in the justice centre include:
• Citizens Advice Bureau
• Crown Office and Procurator Fiscal Service
• Families Outside
• Highland Council (Criminal Justice Social Work)
• HMCTS (Social Security and Child Support Tribunal, Employment Tribunal)
• NHS Highland
• Police Scotland
• Scottish Courts and Tribunals Service
• Scottish Women’s Aid
• Witness Service/Victim Support Scotland
19 Sep 2017
Inverness Justice Centre Building Design
Inverness Justice Centre Building Design News
Design: Reiach and Hall, Architects
Improved Inverness Justice Centre design gets green light
Work set to start after Highland Council gives updated design approval
Preparations to build Scotland’s first purpose-built Justice Centre in Inverness have taken another step forward after Highland Council approved the improved design.
The Scottish Courts and Tribunals Service (SCTS) submitted plans for an improved design for Inverness Justice Centre in May, with the final decision on full planning permission granted at September’s meeting of Highland Council’s south planning committee. The building design is by Edinburgh architects practice Reiach and Hall.
With ongoing support and funding from the Scottish Government, SCTS’ updated design is more efficient in the use of accommodation and provides an attractive public space, along with improved access.
Eric McQueen, SCTS Chief Executive said: “Rather than simply a replacement sheriff court building, the justice centre will play a pivotal role in changing victims’, witnesses’ and offenders’ experience of the justice system, while providing high quality secure criminal courts, and flexible accommodation for our civil courts and tribunal users.
The creation of the Justice Centre has widespread support from across the Scottish Government, the councils in the Highlands and Islands region, justice and third sector organisations, the legal profession and the general public.
In addition to the direct justice benefits, the location of the justice centre will help transform the surrounding area, with the transfer of Inverness Castle to Highland Council ownership stimulating economic growth for the city as it develops a major tourism attraction.
Construction is planned to begin in Autumn 2017 with contractor Robertson Northern to complete the main building works complete in 2019.
Frank Reid, managing director of Robertson Construction Northern said: “Today’s decision means we can start work on what will be a significant development for the Scottish justice system and we’re looking forward to bringing this improved design to life over the months ahead.”
Inverness Justice Centre Building Construction News
Background on Inverness Justice Centre Building Contrcators
Robertson is one of the largest independently owned construction, infrastructure and support services companies in the UK, with a strong confirmed order book, diverse income streams and a dedicated, expert workforce.
Covering the entire built environment lifecycle, we operate throughout the UK, with offices across Scotland and the North and Midlands of England.
The group was established in 1966 by our Executive Chairman, Bill Robertson CBE. His strategy of creating a broad range of companies – run as separate, fully resourced entities – has ensured strong growth, value-creation and career opportunities, and has led to the comprehensive group of well-run companies that exists today.
Robertson comprises 22 businesses, directly employing over 2200 people. These include regionally based construction companies, off-site manufacture, timber engineering, facilities management and energy services, a capital projects business dedicated to public sector partnerships, property development, regeneration, civil engineering, building services, asset management, and housebuilding for the private and affordable markets.
A strong entrepreneurial culture – built on the foundations of innovation, productivity and sustainability – permeates all our businesses.
Although we encompass a variety of separate businesses and capabilities, we are one group with a common goal: working together to transform the built environment.
Reiach and Hall Architects, Edinburgh
Previously on e-architect:
19 Jun 2017
New Scottish Justice Centre in Inverness
Inverness Justice Centre Building Project
image courtesy of architects
The Scottish Courts and Tribunals Service have brought forward revised plans for a new Inverness Justice Centre, building upon the initial concept conceived by Reiach & Hall Architects.
The updated design rationalizes accommodation and provides a new public space as well as improving access by car and will be placed on public display in the magnus Room of the Royal Highland Hotel between 15:00 and 19:00 on 22 June.
7 Mar 2017
Justice Centre in Inverness, Scotland
A £23m justice centre in the Highland capital has been approved by planners, thus allowing the Scottish Courts and Tribunals Service the green light to progress the build this Spring.
Situated on Longman Road the V-shaped building will offer purpose-built accommodation for the service, enabling it to vacate its current home in Inverness Castle which will subsequently be turned into a tourist attraction.
31 + 30 Aug 2016
New Justice Centre in Inverness, Scotland
Images revealed of Inverness Justice Centre by Reiach & Hall architects:
Concept designs of the new justice centre building in Inverness have been unveiled ahead of a public consultation exhibition of the plans in the city’s Spectrum Centre.
A pre-planning application has been submitted to Highland Council.
A two-storey building combining office space and courtroom accommodation will be shared by the justice organisations.
The project is located at the former Stagecoach depot site between Longman Road and Burnett Road.
Scottish Cabinet Secretary for Justice Michael Matheson visited Inverness Castle yesterday for a preview of the public consultation exhibition.
These concept designs will be influenced by the feedback to the public exhibition. Once Highland Council planning committee’s consideration of the pre-planning application has been received by SCTS, and if supportive, the next step would be to submit an application for full planning permission.
3 Aug 2016
Edinburgh architects practice Reiach & Hall win the £23m justice centre in Inverness.
The project will see the city’s courts moved from their existing home in Inverness Castle, freeing up the historic building to be transformed into a tourist attraction – a separate job for which architects have yet to be appointed, reports Building Design.
This Scottish architecture practice – Stirling Prize contenders – is at the early stage of design, ahead of a public consultation at the end of the month.
Project costs are estimated at £23 million. The money was approved by Scotland’s deputy first minister, John Swinney, when he was finance minister in 2015.

The new building is expected to be built on a former Stagecoach depot near the city’s Burnett Road police station after the sale of a previous site nearby fell through in May.
Justice Centre in Inverness – article in BD
The BBC reported in July 2016 that a potential site was being considered for a new justice centre in Inverness after plans to develop another location were dropped.
In May, the Scottish Courts and Tribunals Service (SCTS) withdrew a conditional offer to purchase vacant land at the city’s Burnett Road.
It has now informed Highland Council of its interest in a former bus depot, also on Burnett Road.
SCTS said it remained committed to building a justice centre. The new centre would allow the courts service to move out of Inverness Castle, which would then be available for plans to turn it into a tourist attraction.
Inverness Justice Centre – article on
Location: Inverness, Scotland
Inverness Building Developments
Inverness Architecture : main page with key projects + current news
The Gathering Place on River Ness, image from architects
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Keppie Design
Scottish Natural Heritage Inverness
Scottish Architecture News
Scottish Architecture Designs – chronological list
Website: Visiting Inverness
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