1450 Page Mill Road Palo Alto Building, California Property Photos

1450 Page Mill Road Palo Alto, California

Building for Stanford Real Estate, USA – design by STUDIOS Architecture

Oct 11, 2018

1450 Page Mill Road Palo Alto

Design: STUDIOS Architecture

Location: Palo Alto, Santa Clara County, California, USA

1450 Page Mill Road Palo Alto, CA

Photos: Michael O’Callahan

The design team worked with Stanford Real Estate to develop this office and research building on Palo Alto’s notable Page Mill Road at the heart of the Stanford Research Park.

The project replaces two former obsolete structures with a new highly sustainable building that provides an attractive and visible reflection of the collaborative and innovative technology and research tenants that will make it their home.

1450 Page Mill Road Palo Alto, California

This project presents a transformative vision of how the Research Park can at once celebrate its architecture while honoring the park-like setting. Buildings here are traditionally set back from the road and centered in a sea of parking. For this project, the team brought the building forward to address the street and community, parking is largely below ground and toward the back of the site, while the natural topography and landscaping are celebrated.

1450 Page Mill Road Palo Alto, California

The building is long and slender in response to the proportions of the site. The roof is conceived as a great canopy and an organizing element for the project. Below the canopy, a series of architectural masses are articulated and detailed to create a sense of motion, scale, and drama. Natural materials were emphasized to anchor the building into its setting. Zinc composite metal panels, warm, light-colored terra cotta, and sleek glass define the architectural volumes, provide a sense of scale, and reinforce wayfinding on the site.

1450 Page Mill Road Palo Alto, California

The design integrates outdoor spaces on all sides of the building so that the tenants may truly enjoy and activate the site. A significant patio space at the south of the building is shaded by preserved existing trees along the property line, and a second outdoor patio area on the west side of the building is conveniently accessed from the building’s secondary entry. Elevated decks on the north, south, and west faces of the building take advantage of the idyllic Palo Alto climate and expansive views of the neighboring research park sites and select views to Palo Alto and Silicon Valley beyond.

1450 Page Mill Road Palo Alto, California

High performance, sustainable building design and site development were integral to the project. Architectural and shading strategies are used to maximize daylighting while reducing energy loads, and a large photovoltaic array is incorporated into the building roof and overhangs. South, East, and West facing exposures of glass are protected with sunshades and deep overhangs. Recycled materials and storm-water pollution prevention measures such as bio-retention have been integrated into the site design and landscaping. High-performance low-E glazing is provided throughout, framed in thermally broken systems.

1450 Page Mill Road Palo Alto, California

1450 Page Mill Road Palo Alto – Building Information

Architects: STUDIOS Architecture
Client: Stanford Real Estate
General Contractor: Devcon Construction, Inc.

Photographers: Michael O’Callahan

1450 Page Mill Road Palo Alto images / information from the Chicago Athenaeum

Location: Palo Alto, Santa Clara County, North California, USA

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Website: Palo Alto