Stirling Prize Awards, Past Winners, Shortlists, Betting Odds, UK Buildings, Architects

RIBA Stirling Prize Awards – UK Architecture

Shortlist + Previous Winners – Buildings + Architects

14 Jul 2016

RIBA Stirling Prize Shortlist 2016

Stirling Prize

The RIBA Stirling Prize is awarded annually to the architects of the best new European building ‘built or designed in Britain’.

RIBA Awards : contenders – RIBA Awards

Stirling Prize 2012

The Stirling Prize winner is The Sainsbury Laboratory, University of Cambridge, England
Design: Stanton Williams
Sainsbury Laboratory Cambridge Building - Stirling Prize Awards
photograph © Hufton+Crow

Stirling Prize 2012

2012 Shortlist
The Hepworth Wakefield, Yorkshire by David Chipperfield Architects
London Olympic Stadium by Populous
The Lyric Theatre, Belfast by O’Donnell + Tuomey
Maggie’s Centre, Gartnavel, Glasgow by OMA
New Court, London by OMA with Allies and Morrison
Sainsbury Laboratory, Cambridge by Stanton Williams

Stirling Prize 2011

The Stirling Prize winner is Evelyn Grace Academy, London, England
Zaha Hadid Architects
Evelyn Grace Academy
picture : Luke Hayes

Stirling Prize 2011

2011 Shortlist
An Gaelaras, Derry, Northern Ireland : O’Donnell + Tuomey
Angel Building, north London : Allford Hall Monaghan Morris
Evelyn Grace Academy, south London : Zaha Hadid Architects
Museum Folkwang Essen, Germany : David Chipperfield Architects
Royal Shakespeare Theatre, Stratford-upon-Avon : Bennetts Associates
Velodrome, Stratford, east London : Hopkins Architects

Stirling Prize 2010

The Stirling Prize winner is MAXXI, Italy
Zaha Hadid Architects
photo : Roland Halbe

Stirling Prize 2010

2010 Shortlist
Ashmolean Museum : Rick Mather Architects
Bateman’s Row : Theis and Khan
Christ’s College School : DSDHA
Clapham Manor Primary School : dRMM
MAXXI : Zaha Hadid Architects
Neues Museum : David Chipperfield Architects / Julian Harrap Architects

Stirling Prize 2010 Winner – Thoughts by Joyce Hwang for e-architect

Stirling Prize 2009

Maggie’s Centre London, England
Rogers Stirk Harbour Partners
Stirling Prize winner 2009
photo : Speirs and Major Associates / James Newton

Stirling Prize 2009 Shortlist

2009 Shortlist
5 Aldermanbury Square : Architect: Eric Parry Architects
Bodegas Protos : Rogers Stirk Harbour Partners
Fuglsang Kunstmuseum : Architect: Tony Fretton Architects
Kentish Town Centre : Architect: Allford Hall Monaghan Morris
Liverpool One Masterplan : Architect: BDP
Maggie’s Centre : Architect: Rogers Stirk Harbour Partners

Stirling Prize 2008

Accordia, Cambridge, England
Feilden Clegg Bradley Studios ; Alison Brooks Architects; Macreanor Lavington
Stirling Prize Winner 2008
photo © Adrian Welch

Stirling Prize 2008

2008 Shortlist
Accordia, Cambridge, England : Feilden Clegg Bradley Studios; Alison Brooks Architects; Macreanor Lavington
Bijlmer Arena Station Building, Amsterdam, The Netherlands : Grimshaw / Arcadis
Manchester Civil Justice Centre, Manchester, England : Denton Corker Marshall
Nord Park Cable Railway, Innsbruck, Austria : Zaha Hadid Architects
The Royal Festival Hall Building, London, England : Allies and Morrison
Westminster Academy, London, England : Allford Hall Monaghan Morris

Stirling Prize 2007

Museum of Modern Literature, Marbach am Neckar, Germany
Stirling Prize Winner 2007
photo © Christian Richters
Stirling Prize Winner : David Chipperfield Architects

Stirling Prize 2007

Stirling Prize Shortlist 2007

2007 Shortlist
America’s Cup Building, Valencia, Spain : David Chipperfield Architects
Casa da Musica, Porto, Portugal : Rem Koolhaas
Dresden Station Building Redevelopment, Dresden, Germany : Foster + Partners
The Museum of Modern Literature, Germany : David Chipperfield Architects
Savill Building, Windsor, England : Glenn Howells Architects
Young Vic, London, England : Haworth Tomkins

Stirling Prize 2006

Barajas Airport, Madrid, Spain
Stirling Prize Winner 2006
building image : Manuel Renau
Stirling Prize winner : Richard Rogers Partnership

Stirling Prize 2006

2006 Shortlist
Barajas Airport Building, Madrid, Spain : Richard Rogers Partnership
Brick House : Caruso St John Architects
Evelina Children’s Hospital : Hopkins Architects
Idea Store Whitechapel : Adjaye/Associates
National Assembly for Wales : Richard Rogers Partnership
Phaeno Science Center : Zaha Hadid Architects

Stirling Prize 2005

Scottish Parliament, Edinburgh, Scotland
Stirling Prize Winner 2005
photo © Adrian Welch
Stirling Prize Winner : EMBT / RMJM Architects

Stirling Prize 2005

2005 Shortlist
Brighton Library Building : Bennetts Associates
BMW Central Building in Leipzig : Zaha Hadid Architects
McLaren Technology Centre Building : Foster & Partners
Lewis Gluckman Gallery, Cork : O’Donnell + Tuomey Architects
Fawood Children’s Centre : Alsop Design

Stirling Prize 2004

30 St Mary Axe – Swiss Re Building, City of London
Stirling Prize Winner : Foster + Partners

2004 Shortlist
Kunsthaus, Graz : Peter Cook, Colin Fournier
The Spire, Dublin : Ian Ritchie Architects
Imperial War Museum North, Manchester : Studio Daniel Libeskind
Phoenix Initiative, Coventry : MacCormac Jamieson Prichard
Business Academy Bexley, southeast London : Foster & Partners

Stirling Prize 2003

Laban Dance Centre, south London
Stirling Prize Winner : Herzog & de Meuron

2003 Shortlist
30 Finsbury Square, City of London : Eric Parry Architects
BedZED, Wallington, Surrey : Bill Dunster Architects
Great Court, British Museum, central London : Foster & Partners
Plymouth Theatre Royal Production Centre, Plymouth : Ian Ritchie Architects
Tiree Shelter, Tiree, Scotland : Sutherland Hussey Architects with Jake Harvey, Donald Urquhart, Glen Onwin and Sandra Kennedy

Stirling Prize 2002

Gateshead Millennium Bridge
Stirling Prize Winner : Wilkinson Eyre

2002 Shortlist
Dance Base, Edinburgh : Malcolm Fraser Architects
Downland Gridshell – Weald and Downland Open Air Museum, Chichester : Edward Cullinan Architects
Ernsting’s Service Centre, Germany : David Chipperfield Architects
Hampden Gurney Church of England Primary School, London : Building Design Partnership
Lloyd’s Register of Shipping, London : Richard Rogers Partnership
National Gallery of Ireland – Millennium Wing, Dublin : Benson and Forsyth

Stirling Prize 2001

Magna Science Adventure Centre, Rotherham, Yorkshire
Stirling Prize Winner : Wilkinson Eyre Architects (link above)

2001 Shortlist
British Embassy Building, Wilhelmstrasse, Berlin, Germany : Michael Wilford & Partners
Eden Project, Cornwall : Nicholas Grimshaw and Partners Ltd
The Lawns, 16 South Grove, north London : Eldridge Smerin
National Portrait Gallery extension, central London : Dixon.Jones
Portcullis House & Westminster Underground Station : Michael Hopkins & Partners
The Surgery, 1 Hammersmith Bridge Road, London : Guy Greenfield Architects

Winners in 2000

Peckham Library, south London
Stirling Prize Winner : Alsop & Störmer

2000 Shortlist
88 Wood Street, City of London : Richard Rogers Partnership
Canary Wharf Station, Isle of Dogs, east London : Norman Foster & Partners
GSW Headquarters, Berlin, Germany : Sauerbruch Hutton
London Eye, central London : Marks Barfield Architects
Walsall Art Gallery Building, Staffordshire : Caruso St John
Sainsburys Supermarket, Greenwich, southeast London : Chetwood Associates

Winners in 1999

Lords Cricket Ground Media Stand – NatWest Media Centre
Stirling Prize Winner : Future Systems Architects

1999 Shortlist
Jubilee Line Extension Project, London : Chris Wilkinson Architects
Museum of Scotland, Edinburgh : Benson and Forsyth Architects
North Greenwich Jubilee Line Underground station : Alsop, Lyall & Störmer
Ranelagh Multi-Denominational School : O’Donnell & Tuomey
Reichstag, Berlin, Germany : Foster & Partners
River and Rowing Museum, Henley on Thames : David Chipperfield Architects
Sto AG Marketing and Training Building, Germany : Wilford Associates

Roche Court: Stephen Lawrence Award (for projects under £500k)

Winners in 1998

American Air Museum – Imperial War Museum, Duxford, Cambridgeshire
Stirling Prize Winner : Foster + Partners (link above)

1998 Shortlist
British Library, north London : Colin St John Wilson
Crystal Palace Concert Platform, south London : Ian Ritchie Architects
Private house, Hampstead, northwest London : Rick Mather Architects
Richard Attenborough Centre : Ian Taylor with Bennetts Associates
Quay Bar, Manchester : Stephenson/Bell Architects
Temple of Concord & Victory – restoration, Stowe : Inskip and Jenkins

St Benno School, Dresden, Germany : Günter Behnisch
Landesgirokasse, Stuttgart, Germany : Günter Behnisch
Office and studio building, Düsseldorf, Germany : David Chipperfield Architects
Commerzbank HQ, Frankfurt, Germany : Norman Foster and Partners

Winners in 1997

Music School, Stuttgart, Germany
Stirling Prize Winner : Stuttgart Music School – Michael WilfordStuttgart Buildings

1997 Shortlist
Hotel du Departement, Marseille, France : William Alsop
Roof-top apartment, Paris : Mark Guard
Paul Hamlyn Learning Resource Centre, Thames Valley University : Richard Rogers
Stratford maintenance depot, Jubilee Line, east London : Chris Wilkinson

Winners in 1996

Centenary Building, University of Salford, northwest England
Stirling Prize Winner : Stephen Hodder

Stirling Prize : main page

Location: UK

Editorial: Nov 2002
Stirling Prize, Scottish Architecture

Last month’s Stirling Prize – and ensuing commentaries – should have refocused our eyes again on the health of Scottish architecture. There seem to be opposing views here, or is it just architecture critics setting up various standpoints and counterpoints? Sudjic, Pearman, Rodger, Wilson and Linklater have all commented, sometimes only by request, on whether things are improving or whether the building boom (mostly in Edinburgh) is simply throwing up more rather than better architecture. I’m trying not to join the fray but surely Scottish architecture is improving but yes, we could be better.

The Stirling Prize is run by The Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA).


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