Amsterdam Brick Building Photos, Netherlands architecture, Dutch 20th Century design pictures
Amsterdam School : Dutch Brick Architecture
Amsterdamse School Buildings in Holland, Europe – Netherlands Built Environment Photographs.
Amsterdam Brick Buildings – Photos
post updated 27 December 2024
Amsterdam Brick Architecture
The Amsterdam School (Dutch: Amsterdamse School) is a style of architecture that arose from 1910 through about 1930 in the Netherlands. The Amsterdam School movement is part of international Expressionist architecture, sometimes linked to German Brick Expressionism.
Buildings of the Amsterdam School are characterized by brick construction with complicated masonry with a rounded or organic appearance, relatively traditional massing, and the integration of an elaborate scheme of building elements inside and out: decorative masonry, art glass, wrought ironwork, spires or “ladder” windows (with horizontal bars), and integrated architectural sculpture. The aim was to create a total architectural experience, interior and exterior.
The Amsterdam School had its origins in the office of architect Eduard Cuypers in Amsterdam. Although Cuypers was not a progressive architect himself, he gave his employees plenty of opportunity to develop. The three leaders of the Amsterdam School Michel de Klerk, Johan van der Mey and Piet Kramer all worked for Cuypers until about 1910.
The most important architects and virtuoso artists of the Amsterdam School were Michel de Klerk and Piet Kramer. Other members included Jan Gratama (who gave it its name), Berend Tobia Boeyinga, P. H. Endt, H. Th. Wijdeveld, J. F. Staal, C. J. Blaauw, and P. L. Marnette. The journal Wendingen (“Windings” or “Changes”), published between 1918 and 1931, was the magazine of the Amsterdam School movement.
Beurs – Exchange aka Koopmansbeurs
Design: Berlage
Amsterdam Exchange
Beurs van Berlage is “an important monument of the modern Dutch architecture. It was built between 1898 and 1903 by the prominent Dutch architect of the 20th century Hendrik Petrus Berlage (1856-1934). Berlage costructed the Beurs on the newly created piece of land obtained by covering the city oldest harbour basin located in the very center of Amsterdam.
The Korenbeurs was built in 1616/1617. The architect Hendrick de Keyser oversaw the construction of both the Korenbeurs and the earlier Koopmansbeurs exchange (completed in 1611) located nearby, on the Rokin.
Brick building Amsterdam : Hotel America
Contemporary Amsterdam Brick Buildings Photos
Mahler 4 Office Tower Amsterdam building
All Dutch Brick Building photos © Adrian Welch
Location: Amsterdam, The Netherlands, western Europe
Amsterdam Buildings
Major New Dutch Buildings
Amsterdam Architecture – contemporary building information
Amsterdam Buildings – historic building information
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Dutch Architectural Designs
Major New Dutch Buildings
Netherlands Architecture Designs – chronological list
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