House MCNY in São Paulo, Contemporary SP Residence, New Franca Home, Brazil Architecture Images

House MCNY in São Paulo

Contemporary Residence in Franca, SP, Brasil: Brazilian Residential Building design by mf+arquitetos

6 Nov 2016

House MCNY

Design: mf+arquitetos

Location: Franca, SP, Brazil

House MCNY

House MCNY

House MCNY by mf+arquitetos

The proposed building is an inviting space, integrated into a surrounding environment that goes beyond only fulfill the functions of a home, but also welcomes those who like to experiment, mix and discover the new, satisfying all family desires.

House by mf+arquitetos

Contemporary Residence in Brasil

Contemporary SP Residence

Contemporary SP house

Contemporary SP home

Simple lines and volumes that create relationships between internal and external space, resulting in the interaction of looks that turn to the garden.

Contemporary SP property

New Brazil home

New Brazil property

New Brazil House

Brazilian residential building design by mf+arquitetos

The materials used not only determine the finish as well as the specific uses: wood, concrete, stone and Corten steel express the influence of Brazilian modernism.

Brazilian residence by mf+arquitetos

Brazilian home by mf+arquitetos

Luxury SP residence by mf+arquitetos

New Brazilian home

New Franca Home

New Franca House

House in Franca, São Paulo – Building Information

Location: Franca, SP
built area: 516 sqm
Year completed: 2016
Landscaping: Vivian Viana
Construction: Roman Villa Engineering

New Franca property

New Franca residence

House MCNY Franca

House MCNY

Photography: Renato Moura

New Franca Home in São Paulo images / information received from mf+arquitetos

Location: Franca, São Paulo, SP, Brasil

São Paulo Architecture

São Paulo Architectural Projects

São Paulo Architecture Designs – chronological list

São Paulo Architecture Walking Tours by e-architect

São Paulo Architects Offices

São Paulo Houses

São Paulo Houses Selection

360° Apartment
Architect: Diego Revollo
360 Apartment
photograph : Alain Brugiers
360° Apartment Sao Paolo
In this scheme the architect combined the best of Brazilian with enduring European design influences. Panels of American Walnut used with local Cumaru wood (Brazilian gold teak) juxtaposed against a soft textural grey palette; sculptural furniture and artefacts with transparent elements of lighting alongside accessories.

Casa B+B
Architecture: studio mk27 and galeria arquitetos – marcio kogan + renata furlanetto + fernanda neiva. Interiors: studio mk27 – diana radomysler
BB House São Paulo
photograph : Fernando Guerra
B+B House Brazil
The arrival at House B+B – the access to the social area – is through an architectural trajectory, via an open ramp, located on the eastern side of the construction. This space is protected by hollowed-out concrete elements to the side, which create surprising effects of light and end up functioning as protection from bad weather conditions.

Brazilian Architecture

Contemporary Architecture in Brasil – architectural selection below:

Brazilian Architecture

Brazilian Architect

Lincoln Residence
Design: Gustavo Penna, Architect
The inside of this contemporary Brazilian property is reminiscent of the old colonial houses of the region with cozy and large rooms.

Porto Alegre House
Design: procter-rihl, Architects
This residential project is placed on a site 3.7m wide x 38.5m long. It is located in a good neighbourhood of Porto Alegre (Brazil) but has been vacant for more than 20 years. It went to auction 3 times during this long period without any interest whatsoever. The client was the only one to put in an offer on the 4th auction, as people could not see the potential.

South American Buildings

Comments / photos for the House MCNY in São Paulo page welcome

Website: mf+arquitetos