Architecture Design Scotland Staff, A+DS Appointment News, Eric Dawson, Maire Cox, Edinburgh

Architecture and Design Scotland Staff : A+DS Appointments

A+DS New Appointments: Head of Design Review: Angela Williams ; Head of Enabling: Adam Davies

25 Oct 2005

Architecture and Design Scotland Appointments

Architecture and Design Scotland – New Appointments

Architecture and Design Scotland – A+DS – is strengthening its new structure, with a number of staffing appointments:

Head of Design Review: Angela Williams
Head of Enabling: Adam Davies
Planner: Eric Dawson
Research + Communications Officer: Maire Cox

The promotion of Angela Williams, previously A+DS Architect, creates a vacancy in that role.

Adam Davies joins A+DS on a year’s secondment from CABE, to explore the opportunities for Enabling in Scotland and pilot initiatives during 2006.

Eric Dawson is an architect/planner/urbanist most recently with the City of Edinburgh Council Planning Department.

Maire Cox has worked with Dyer and Grimshaw, and will focus on evidence-based research work.

Architecture and Design Scotland – Staff PR: 251005

More news and views for our A+DS pages are very welcome please!

Location: Scotland

Architecture in Scotland

Scottish Architecture Designs – chronological list

Contemporary Architecture in Scotland – architectural selection below:

Paisley Museum Building News, western Scotland
Design: AL_A
Paisley Museum Renewal, Scotland
image courtesy of architects office
Paisley Museum Renewal

Charnock Bradley Building, Easter Bush, Midlothian
Design: Atkins
Innovation Centre and Campus Hub at Edinburgh University
image Courtesy architecture office
Charnock Bradley Building Roslin

Architecture + Design Scotland

Scottish Architecture

Scottish Offices

Scottish Planning Reform

Scottish Great Places
Carloway Broch on the Isle of Lewis
photo courtesy of Heritage Lottery Fund in Scotland (HLF)
Scottish Great Places Funding News

Saltire Awards

V&A at Dundee

Scottish Architect

Wavegarden Scotland
Artificial Surf Park Scotland
image : HarrisonStevens
Artificial Surf Park Scotland

Comments for the A+DS Staff Appointments News page welcome