Da Portare VIA Restaurant in Utrecht

Da Portare VIA Restaurant in Utrecht

Studio Modijefskys design of the interior to the Da Portare VIA restaurant in utrecht shows subtle winks to classic Italian décor: from the black and white tiles covering the feet of the bar to the vitrine in the bar and the pizza oven. Circled by mirrors, the reflections create a profound and memorable VIA experience.

Samppalinna Outdoor Pool Building, Finland

Samppalinna Outdoor Pool

For Architect Mikko Lemmetti Sustainability was a key pillar of the renovation which contributed towards Kebony being selected for the pool house and the outdoor seating. The swimming pool was also equipped with flush pools and outdoor showers to facilitate more users.

La Madeleine Architecture Festival, Montpellier

La Madeleine Architecture Festival

A colourful project using 2500 plastic bricks designed by Atelier Microméga wins 2017 Festival des Architectures Vives of Montpellier jury’s special mention. The French architectural festival’s theme was ‘Emotion’. This playful structure is just three metres cubed in size.