Heating & Cooling Tips, HVAC Home Systems, Effective Property Maintenance
6 Heating and Cooling Tips
Home HVAC System Maintenance & Repairs – Architectural Design Article
23 Sep 2018
6 Heating and Cooling Tips You Should Know
When it comes to comfort, having a working heating and cooling system is important. While your heating and cooling system should never let you down, it does need a little maintenance to stay running properly for years. Many homeowners are unaware of how some simple routine maintenance can keep their heating and cooling system running efficiently.
Maintaining your heating and cooling system comes down to six things:
- You need to have a checkup at least once or twice per year.
- You need to keep outside debris clear.
- Replace your filters every few months.
- Know the best temperature setting for optimal savings.
- You should clean your drain line.
- Check the color of your flame.
These six steps are easy once you know what you have to do to maintain your heating and cooling system.
1.) Get a Check Up
Your heating and cooling system works hard to make you comfortable, so give it the attention it needs. Calling a professional like Master Tech Service Corp to do preventative maintenance can save you a lot of money. Schedule one check up in the spring and one in the fall to check for motor or electrical failures.
2.) Keep Outside Debris Clear
Any debris or encroaching plants keep your condenser from getting the fresh air it needs. Allow your air conditioner to have at least 12 inches of space around the coil for proper functioning. Turn off your unit and spray it with a hose to wash off any dirt or debris.
3.) Change Those Filters
Replace those filters whether they look dirty or not. Any build-up on your filter reduces the amount of air your system can draw in. This affects performance and can cause issues with your electric bill.
4.) Watch Your Thermostat
If cost savings are a priority, knowing at which temperature to set your thermostat is important for optimal savings. In the summer, setting your thermostat to 78 degrees keeps your house cool without breaking the bank. In the winter, 68 degrees is the optimal money-saving setting.
5.) Clean the Drain Lines
Every few months, pour a solution containing 3 cups of water and 1 cup of bleach down your condensate drain. This keeps the drain clear of algae and other debris.
6.) Check Your Flame Color
Your furnace flames should have a nice, crisp blue hue to it. If your flame is wavy, yellow, or orange, this is a sign you should call a technician.
Heating and cooling scheduled maintenance will save you hundreds in costly repairs. If you notice there is something wrong with your heating and cooling system, don’t be afraid to call a professional. Letting problems get worse is how small repairs turn into needing a completely new system.
Take the time to find a heating and cooling professional that will perform scheduled maintenance and keep your system in top running condition.
Location: USA
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Leeds Playhouse
Design: Page\Park Architects
photograph : Jim Stephenson
Leeds Playhouse Building
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