Westerdok Apartment Building Amsterdam, Holland property photos, Dutch homes design

Westerdok Apartment Building in Amsterdam

Docklands Housing in The Netherlands design by MVRDV Architects

post updated 21 December 2024

MVRDV completes Westerdok Apartment Building

Location: Westerdok Apartment Building, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Date built: 2009

Design: MVRDV

Westerdok Apartment Amsterdam building by MVRDV
photograph © Rob ‘t Hart

Westerdok Building

post updated 28 Mar 2021 ; 19 Feb 2009

Westerdok Apartment Building

Openness as design concept: The minimal amount of materials used, glass, steel and concrete, results in maximum openness for the façade.

Westerdok Apartment Building Amsterdam
photo © Rob ‘t Hart

The building which has just been completed with a total surface of 6000 m2 contains 46 apartments and a day-care centre. Each apartment has a balcony of varying depths which stretch as bands along the entire facade, offering varied outside spaces and views over the western docklands of Amsterdam. The floor-to-ceiling glass façade can be fully opened and contrasts with the other buildings within the so called ‘VOC Cour’ port redevelopment that are mainly made of brick.

Westerdok Westerdok Apartments stair
photos © Rob ‘t Hart

The urban plan is a closed city block with buildings of differing heights surrounding a central court. After two earlier urban plans failed, the client O.M.A. (Ontwikkelings Maatschappij Apeldoorn) has in fact determined the current urban plan. The MVRDV building is located inside the court with one façade facing the waterfront of the Westerdok. The project started in 2004 and is currently one of the nominees for the Amsterdam Architecture Award.

Building plans:
Westerdok Apartment layout Westerdok Apartment plan

Westerdok Apartments Amsterdam design : MVRDV

Westerdok Apartment Building Amsterdam images / information from MVRDV architects studio

Location: Westerdok Amsterdam, The Netherlands, western Europe.

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