Royal Dutch Military Police Amsterdam, Dutch building photos, Netherlands architecture design
Royal Dutch Military Police Complex : KMAR Building Amsterdam
KMAR Building, Holland design by Zvi Hecker Architects
post updated 27 April 2024
Location: Royal Marechaussee, Marine Barracks, centre of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Date: 2005-
Design: Zvi Hecker Architekt
22 Apr 2008
KMAR Amsterdam
For Koninklijke Marechausee – KMAR
KMAR Amsterdam architect : Zvi Hecker
Actual KMAR Amsterdam (completed building) design by Wansleben Architekten
The Corps de Maréchaussée was created by King William I to replace the French Gendarmerie on October 26, 1814. The word gendarmerie had gained a negative connotation, so William called the new force “marechaussée” (he forgot the first acute accent in the document).
Maréchaussée is an alternate French word for gendarmerie. At that time, the Marechaussee was a part of the army (landmacht). The Marechaussee was tasked with maintaining public order, law enforcement, and safeguarding the main roads. Although not specifically mentioned, this included police duties for the army. As such, the Marechaussee was part of the national police (rijkspolitie).
Source: Wikipedia
Location: Royal Marechaussee, Amsterdam, The Netherlands.
Architecture in Amsterdam
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Koninklijke Marechaussee – design by Wansleben-Architekten
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Zvi Hecker Architect
Zvi Hecker (born 1931) is a Polish-born Israeli architect. His work is known for its emphasis on geometry and asymmetry.
He was born as ‘Tadeusz Hecker’ in Kraków, Poland. He grew up in Poland and Samarkand. He began his education in architecture at the Cracow University of Technology. He immigrated to Israel in 1950. There he studied architecture at the Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, graduating in 1955. After his military service, he founded a firm with Eldar Sharon (until 1964) and Alfred Neumann (until 1966).
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Dutch Architectural Designs
Major New Dutch Buildings
Netherlands Architecture Designs – chronological list
Comments / photos for the Royal Dutch Military Police Complex Amsterdam – Koninklijke Marechausee KMAR design by Zvi Hecker Architects page welcome.