Bangui Pediatric Clinic, Central African Republic building, Emergency NGO Development project design

Bangui Pediatric Clinic Central African Republic

Emergency NGO Healthcare Buildings in CAR – architectural design by tam associati architects, Italy

29 Mar 2010

Pediatric clinic in Bangui, Emergency NGO
Date built: 2008
Architects: tam associati

Location: Bangui – Central African Republic

Bangui Pediatric Clinic


Bangui Pediatric Clinic Building Africa
photo courtesy of Marcello Bonfanti

Bangui Pediatric Clinic Sudan

After completing the construction in Sudan and the activation of the Center for heart surgery “Salam”, is currently implementing the regional program “Salam”, nine satellite clinics in the nine countries bordering Sudan.

In Bangui, capital of Central African Republic, the first of these satellite units was constructed: a pediatric clinic with 2 surgeries and a place of hospitalization of 6 beds. In clinical cardiology clinics are also provided for the selection and monitoring of patients to target the hospital in Khartoum.

This is a storey building with a courtyard typology and central patio, made of hollow masonry and traditional wooden ceiling. The general choices, in terms of quality of body building, follow the guidelines already laid out with the project del’ospedale “Salam”. Great attention was given to the materials and liabilities heat the building.

Bangui Pediatric Clinic – Building Information

Place and date: Bangui (Central African Republic), 2007-08
Commission: Emergency NGO NPO
Quantitative data: Lot Area: 3,000 sqm. Covered Area: 430 sqm
Design group: Coordination: Emergency Logistics, project and DL: study tamassociated

Bangui Pediatric Clinic, Central African Republic Building Bangui Pediatric Clinic Emergency NGO Africa Bangui Pediatric Clinic Emergency NGO
images courtesy of Marcello Bonfanti

Photographs: Marcello Bonfanti

Pediatric Clinic in Bangui, Central African Republic images / information from tam associati

Location: Bangui, Central African Republic

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