Student Health Design Award 2009, Buildings, Project, News, Design, Property

Student Health Design Award

Architects for Health : International Architecture Prize

Student Health Design Awards



Architects for Health invite architectural students to submit projects to be considered for the third annual Student Healthcare Design Award in 2009. Any project relating to the design of a healthcare building can be submitted. For students without qualifying projects AFH have a number of sample briefs available.

Past Winner, 2008 – Elaine Neish:
Student Health Design Award 2008

For more information please contact AfH at [email protected]

Submission Deadline : 3 Jul 2009


Student Health Design Awards Details

• Any student architectural project concerning healthcare design or a response to a sample brief provided by AfH
• By students who are presently studying or having completed their studies within 18 months of submission date.
• Open to students worldwide
• Submission electronically to [email protected] by 3rd July 2009
• The project has not been submitted in previous years
• Administration fee of £10 (GBP)
• See website for more details

• Separate 300-600 word document no images (in English, MSWord format) describing the design brief and the proposal
• 4 number A3 landscape PDF or JPG graphics (Text and Images @ 300 dpi)
• Please clearly state your name and project title and institution on every submission page
• Within the brief include the stage of studies (e.g. RIBA part 1, RIBA part 2 or equivalent) at which the project was completed

• Prize fund for winning and runner up projects to be allocated by the judges, first prize in 2008 was £1000
• Presentation evening at the RIBA in August 2009 (All short-listed to be presented by author or selected representative)
• Publication in a wide range of leading industry and design publications

Architecture Awards

Aga Khan Award for Architecture

World Architecture Festival Awards

Stirling Prize

Comments / photos for the 2009 Student Health Design Award page welcome

Student Health Design Award


Architects Walking Tours