RIBA Special Awards 2010 winning buildings shortlist, Best UK architecture projects

RIBA Special Awards Prize Winners

Royal Institute of British Architects – Prize Winners in 2011 and earlier years

8 Sep 2011

RIBA Special Awards Shortlist

Ty Hedfan, Wales:
RIBA Special Awards Shortlist - Ty Hedfan, Wales
picture © Featherstone Young

RIBA Special Awards Shortlist 2011 : Client of the Year award + Stephen Lawrence Prize

2 Oct 2010

RIBA Special Awards Winners

Crown Estate Conservation Award
Neues Museum, Berlin
Neues Museum interior - RIBA Special Awards Winner 2010
photograph : Ute Zscharnt

Speaking about the museum, conservation architect and judge, Paul Velluet, said:
“The judges have selected the Neues Museum project in Berlin from a remarkably strong field of eligible conservation projects. What is most impressive about this project is the coherence with which the works of repair and reconstruction, such as the reinstated colonnade and remarkable vaulted clay-pot ceilings, have been integrated with new work; not least in the two glazed courtyards, and inside the Staircase Hall. The result is an exemplary fusion of new and old.”

RIBA Client of the Year
House of Fraser Bristol
photo : Hélène Binet

RIBA CABE Public Space Award
The Pier Head and Canal Link, Liverpool
Pierhead & Canal Link
photo © Alan Cookson

Stephen Lawrence Prize
The Artist’s House, London
Artist's House London
image © Philip Gumuchdjian
Gumuchdjian Architects have successfully transformed a 1950s terraced house and garden into a bespoke family home, and inspiring office space, for the artist and writer clients.

The RIBA Sorrell Foundation Schools Award

St Luke’s CE Primary School, Wolverhampton
St Luke's CE Primary School Building
photo : Leigh Simpson

RIBA Manser Medal 2010 Shortlist
RIBA Manser Medal 2010
Zero Carbon House - RIBA Special Awards shortlisted 2010
photo © Martine Hamilton Knight

A zero carbon house, two large London homes, a converted Napoleonic defence tower and two major extensions to countryside homes make up the shortlist for the RIBA Manser Medal 2010 for the best new house in the UK.

3 Sep 2010
Shortlists for five RIBA Special Awards 2010

The Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) announces the shortlists for five special awards which honour the UK’s best new school buildings, conservation projects, public spaces and smaller projects; the shortlist for the RIBA Client of the Year has also been unveiled.

Drawn from 102 RIBA Award-winning buildings presented earlier this year, the winners of the RIBA Special Awards will be announced at the RIBA Stirling Prize 2010 Dinner on 2 Oct 2010 at The Roundhouse, London.

RIBA Special Awards Shortlists

RIBA CABE Public Space Award 2010

This award is presented to the architects and landscape architects of the best RIBA Award-winning public space in the UK and recognises the valuable contribution that well-designed public space makes to the quality of the built environment and to our daily lives. The award was judged by Sarah Gaventa, Director of CABE Space, last year’s winners McDowell + Benedetti and RIBA Head of Awards Tony Chapman.

CABE Public Space Award Shortlist:
– Pierhead & Canal Link, Liverpool by Aecom
7 July Memorial, London by Carmody Groarke (Landscape Architect Colvin & Moggeridge)
Regent’s Place Pavilion, London by Carmody Groarke [photo below]
Regent’s Place Pavilion Building - RIBA Special Awards: CABE Public Space
photo : Luke Hayes

The Crown Estate Conservation Award

The Crown Estate Conservation Award is presented to the best work of conservation that demonstrates the successful restoration and /or adaptation of an architecturally significant building. The Award was judged by conservation architects Richard Griffiths and Paul Velluet and the RIBA Head of Awards Tony Chapman.

Crown Estate Conservation Award Shortlist:
Aldeburgh Music Creative Campus, Aldeburgh by Haworth Tomkins
– Norwich Cathedral Hostry, Norwich by Hopkins Architects
Corpus Christi College, Oxford by Rick Mather Architects
– The Monument, City of London by Julian Harrap Architects
Neues Museum Berlin Building, by David Chipperfield Architects in collaboration with Julian Harrap

The RIBA Sorrell Foundation Schools Award 2010

The RIBA Sorrell Foundation Schools Award is awarded to the architects of the best RIBA Award-winning school (primary or secondary) with the aim of raising the standards of design in all new school building. The prize was judged by a jury comprising Lady Frances Sorrell, Mukund Patel of the Sammon Group, and Ian Goodfellow of Penoyre & Prasad, last year’s winners.

RIBA Sorrell Foundation Schools Award Shortlist:
St Luke’s CE Primary School, Wolverhampton by Architype
– Rednock School, Gloucester by Cube Design
Christ’s College School, Guildford by DSDHA
Clapham Manor Primary School, London by dRMM
– Lowther Children’s Centre, London by Patel Taylor

Stephen Lawrence Prize 2010

Stephen Lawrence Prize Shortlist:
– Hunsett Mill in Stalham, Norfolk, by Acme
– Martello Y Tower, Bawdsey, Suffolk by Piercy Connor Architects with Billings Jackson
1-5 Bateman’s Mews, London SW4 by Anne Thorne Architects Partnership
– 7 July Memorial, London by Carmody Groarke [link further up page]
– The Artist’s House, Kensington, London by Gumuchdjian Architects
– Bus Driver Facility, Dagenham, London by Julian Cowie Architects

RIBA Client of the Year supported by the Bloxham Charitable Trust
RIBA Client of the Year award honours the key role that a good client plays in the creation of fine architecture. The award is judged by Tom Bloxham MBE members of the RIBA’s Awards Group, which is chaired by Paul Monaghan and includes both lay members as well as architects. They consider clients of the year’s RIBA Award-winning schemes but take into account a track record of previous successful commissioning, particularly where this has led to earlier RIBA Awards.

RIBA Client of the Year shortlist:
– NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde
– Aldeburgh Music
– Royal Parks
– Hammerson
– The Victoria & Albert Museum

Comments re the RIBA Special Awards welcome: info(at)e-architect.com

RIBA Awards 2010

Location: UK

Royal Institute of British Architects Prizes

Stirling Prize

RIBA Royal Gold Medal

Architecture Studios

Civic Trust Awards Scotland

Saltire Awards


Art Gallery Buildings

Architecture Tours Europe

Architecture Awards

Comments / photos for the RIBA Special Awards page welcome