Paris Architectural Design, French Buildings, Architects, Images, Design, France Capital Architecture News

Paris Architectural Designs

Architecture Developments in the French Capital: France Capital City Built Environment Links

post updated 22 January 2025


Diriger aux Bâtiments de Paris

We’ve selected the key examples of Parisian Architectural Designs. The focus is on the key contemporary Parisian buildings.

We have 8 pages of Parisian Architecture selections with links to hundreds of individual project pages.

Architectural Designs in Paris

Paris Architecture : news + key projects

Paris Buildings : A-B

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Paris Architecture Designs : L-O

Paris Architecture Developments : P-R

Paris Building Designs : S-Z


Parisian Architectural Designs

New Parisian Architectural Designs – latest additions to this page, arranged chronologically:

Duo Towers
Design: Ateliers Jean Nouvel
DUO Project Paris Architectural Designs
image © Ateliers Jean Nouvel
Duo Towers Paris – 22 May 2012
Jean Nouvel will build the ‘Duo’ project on the Rive Gauche in Paris. The DUO project (‘B3A’) is located in Paris XIII (Masséna Bruneseau) for investor Ivanhoé Cambridge Hines the total cost is projected to be 500/600M€.

Claude Bernard School
Design: Atelier d’Architecture Brenac & Gonzalez
Claude Bernard France
photo © Sergio Grazia
Claude Bernard School – 29 Oct 2012
Despite the surface area of the lot, its location near the canal provides very interesting poetic potential. So that the children can benefit fully from the location and enjoy the views, we have created two frontages, one north-facing, and the other south-facing. Along the Boulevard Mac Donald, a three-storey block forms a screen that protects the playground, reduces noise pollution, and provides a sense of depth when you stand on the front courtyard and look through the foyer to the playground.

Crèche rue Pierre Budin
Design: ecdm
Crèche rue Pierre Budin
picture : Benoit Fougeirol
Crèche rue Pierre Budin Paris – 6 Jul 2012
The project takes place into a heterogeneous district made of buildings of any sizes, of any styles, any periods. It’s an environment slightly old-fashioned, hybrid and disintegrated, typical of the heterogeneous architecture which characterizes the Parisian peri-urban zones.


Paris Buildings Designs, alphabetical:

C42, Citroën display building, Champs Elysées
Design: Manuelle Gautrand
Citreon Paris Architectural Designs
photograph : Philippe Ruault
C42 Citroen
Citroën display building

Canal+ Headquarters
Date built: 1992
Design: Richard Meier Architects

Design: LAN Architecture
image from architects
The major urban interest of Ilot 4.2 lies in its position: it will act as a fulcrum between Boulevard Pereire and the new ZAC (Urban Development Zone), creating a kind of transition between ‘black and white photograph’ Paris and the more extensive, three-dimensional city beyond.

Cartier Foundation
see Fondation Cartier pour l’Art Contemporain
This intriguing French capital building plays games with layers of translucent screens to ask what is building, and what is not? Existing mature trees on the site, south of the centre of Paris, are imaginatively integrated.

Cathédral de la Résurrection

Design: Mario Botta Architect

Centre George Pompidou / Pompidou Centre, Rue Beaubourg, Paris IVe
Design: Richard Rogers / Renzo Piano Architects
Paris building
photo © Adrian Welch
Pompidou Centre Paris
Much of the building structure is of course located externally, so has suffered from continual exposure to the elements. Some external features, such as the large coloured funnels that were once part of the air system, are now just decorative.
Renovation of Centre Georges Pompidou: 1995 – Design: Renzo Piano Building Workshop (RPBW)
Centre Pompidou Exhibition

Cite de l’Architecture & du Patrimoine, nr Tour Eiffel
Date built: 2007

New Architecture Centre

Cité de la Musique / Paris Concert Hall, City of Music, Avenue Jean-Jaurès, La Villette, Paris IXXe
Christian de Portzamparc Architect
Cité de la Musique Paris Architectural Designs
photograph © Adrian Welch
Cité de la Musique

Cite des Sciences
Ian Ritchie Architects
Cite des Sciences Paris Architectural Designs
photo : Ian Ritchie Architects
Cite des Sciences

CNIT Building/Sofitel – CNIT, La Défense, Paris
Date built: 1958
Robert Camelot & Bernard Zherfuss, Architects
Renovated by Andrault & Parat, Architects, in 1989

College Maximilien Perret / Maximilien Perret College, Alfortville, Paris, France
Dates built: 1995-97
Massimiliano Fuksas Architects

College Sports Hall
College Sports Hall Paris Architectural Designs
photograph from architects practice
College Sports Hall Paris
This project is the first element of the urban visual identity of the campus’s east side. The mixed use by students and city’s sports associations symbolizes new relationship between Villetaneuse and Paris XIII college (Université Paris XIII).

Docks de Paris, Cité de la mode et du design
Docks de Paris Architectural Designs
image © Jakob+MacFarlane
Cité de la mode et du design
The Docks of Paris is a long, thin building built in concrete at the turn of the last century. It was a depot for goods brought up the River Seine by barge, which were deposited, and then transferred to dray or train.

More Paris Architectural Designs online soon

Location: Paris, France, western Europe


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