Cultural Center of European Space Technologies Vitanje, AA Visiting School Slovenia design image

AA Visiting School nanotourism

Gastronomy at KSEVT, Cultural Center of European Space Technologies Slovenia

4 Mar 2017

AA Visiting School nanotourism 2017

A project called Gastronomy at KSEVT, which was developed as part of the AA Visiting School nanotourism in Vitanje, 2016.

Please see the AA website and facebook page for the new AA Visiting School Slovenia nanotourism, which will be taking place 28 April – 13 May 2017.

Red wine tasting suit used on the sloped floor of the exhibition hall at KSEVT in standing position
AA Visiting School nanotourism

AA Visiting School nanotourism at KSEVT Building in Vitanje

Applications are open until Sunday 5th March

nanotourist strategies in Vitanje, July 2016

Mentors: Aljoša Dekleva, Christian Pottgiesser.
Co-mentors: Jakob Travnik, Blaž Šef.

Food Odyssey, KSEVT Dining Experience
Project team:
Yassine Bruneau – France
Rachel Gabrielli Cohen – France
Roberta Jurčić – Croatia
Kaja Stopar – Slovenia

Gravity: A User’s Manual, KSEVT Wine Tasting Experience
Project team:
Tarick Astitou – Belgium
Tadej Bogovič – Slovenia
Aleksander Cifer – Slovenia
Tin Troha – Slovenia

AA Visiting School nanotourism
Programme director: Aljoša Dekleva
Programme assistant: Jakob Travnik

email: [email protected]
facebook: AA Visiting School nanotourism
instagram: aavsnanotourism

Ajda Schmidt –
AAVSnt archive

Red wine tasting suit used on the sloped floor of the exhibition hall at KSEVT, Cultural Center of European Space Technologies in Vitanje, Slovenia
AA Visiting School nanotourism

The Cultural Centre of European Space Technologies, KSEVT, has been since its erection in 2012 a bold landmark in the tiny Slovenian village of Vitanje. KSEVT Vitanje has a an important public significance in the domain of exploring the cultural aspects of outer space and generates social, cultural, and scientific activities, with fixed and temporary exhibitions, conferences and educational events. And like so many cultural institutions, galleries and museums it is heavily underused public infrastructure. With its limited opening hours, bound to the current programme, it offers unconsumed potential that AA Visiting School nanotourism is exploring already the third consecutive year of its experimental teaching programme.

Food Odyssey – AA Visiting School Nanotourism – photo Ajda Schmidt
Eating of the side dish hanging from the roof of KSEVT
AA Visiting School nanotourism

Previously we have turned KSEVT into a Hotel exploring the 3D sleeping in 2014 and we have used it as the Playground triggering unconventional body movement to make users understand gravity in 2015. This year, in intense collaboration with the local community, we have opened possibilities for KSEVT to offer in addition to the exhibition programme a site-specific experience of fine dining and wine tasting. With two international groups of students we have developed in full scale two projects that integrate KSEVT with local existing gastronomic production and offer repetitive culinary experience for local community and daily visitors.

Food Odyssey, KSEVT Dining Experience

Film on YouTube

The project proposes KSEVT as a functioning venue for a site-specific dining experience. As an extension of the exhibition of space technologies, or as a stand-alone event, eating becomes a rather different encounter with food as we know it. In collaboration with the KSEVT management and the local Restaurant Gastuž, we have carefully analysed the sensorial and spatial qualities of the building in relation to its programme. As a result a set of eating scenarios has been developed, where the traditional notion of dining has been subverted by the KSEVT’s architectural and programmatic implications and where the topic of gravity and outer space human experience play a pivotal role in how the food is served and how you consume it. Simultaneously, this rigorous research and experimentation has also stimulated our collaborating team of chefs to re-interpret their local cuisine to create site-specific dishes, made exclusively for gastronomic events in KSEVT.

Gravity: A User’s Manual, KSEVT Wine Tasting Experience

Film on YouTube

In collaboration with Zlati Grič, the renowned regional winery, we have looked at KSEVT as a an opportunity for a site-specific, experimental wine tasting adventure. Following the research on the culture of wine tasting and aspects of drinking on earth and in outer space, we have looked closely into the physical as well as programmatic properties of KSEVT with the aim of determining the space that can add KSEVT-specific value to wine tasting experience. Ultimately, we opted for the endless, sloped exhibition space which challenges visitor’s subconscious relationship with the gravity by adding dynamics to the body movement through space. The project manifests itself as a reinterpretation of the traditional wine glass, in an event-specific wearable suit, which, through a systematically attached system of tubes, challenges you to use your body movement as a way of drinking your “glass” of wine. As a result, the wine tasting experience at KSEVT becomes a body performance choreographed by the path of the tube transferring a sip of wine from the injection bag to your mouth.

AA Visiting School nanotourism

AA Visiting School nanotourism

Programme Director:
Aljoša Dekleva – dekleva gregoric architects
Programme Assistant:
Jakob Travnik – Wideshot & TU, Vienna

July 2016 in Vitanje, nanotourist strategies

Mentors in July 2016:
Aljoša Dekleva – dekleva gregoric architects, Ljubljana
Christian Pottgiesser – christian pottgiesser architecturespossibles, Paris

Co-mentors in July 2016:
Jakob Travnik – Wideshot & TU, Vienna
Blaž Šef – actor, KSEVT, Vitanje

Visiting experts in juries and tutorials in July of 2016:
Maruša Zorec – Arrea Arhitektura, Faculty for Arch. Ljubljana
Tina Gregorič – dekleva gregoric architects
Vasa Perović – Bevk Perović arhitekti, Faculty for Arch. Ljubljana
Dragan Živadinov – KSEVT and Post-Gravity Theatre

Students in July of 2016:
Nikita Aneja – India
Tarick Astitou – Belgium
Tadej Bogovič – Slovenia
Yassine Bruneau – France
Aleksander Cifer – Slovenia
Nino Čubelić – Croatia
Luka Dušević – Croatia
Rachel Gabrielli Cohen – France
Urša Gantar – Slovenia
Tin Jelavić – Croatia
Roberta Jurčić – Croatia
Adrian Kozikowski – Poland
Eva Sevšek – Slovenia
Anastazija Stjepanović – Croatia
Kaja Stopar – Slovenia
Sara Škarica – Croatia
Tin Troha – Slovenia
Ajdin Vuković – Bosnia and Herzegovina
Jure Žibret – Slovenia
Jan Žužek – Slovenia

AA Visiting School nanotourism

The AA Visiting School Nanotourism is an experimental teaching and research programme, as part of the AA Visiting School (AA VS) at the Architectural Association School of Architecture in London, organised for the first time in the summer of 2014 in Vitanje, Slovenia.

In July 2016, the AA Visiting School Nanotourism once again explored nanotourist strategies in relation to the building and institution of KSEVT, Cultural Centre of European Space Technologies which generates 25.000 visitors per year, and Vitanje, the town of 800 inhabitants.

The previous years’ programmes, have already explored and analysed the given context of Vitanje that made possible to understand and develop new projects upon a series of already successful experiences.

This year’s programme has explored on hacking the building and programme of KSEVT and involved local community’s summer activities. Open need and exposed potential of Vitanje continues to be a case study for developing an extreme set of bottom up strategies and prototypes to challenge the predictable ways of tourism.

Nanotourism is a new, constructed term describing a creative critique to the current environmental, social and economic downsides of conventional tourism, as a participatory, locally oriented, bottom-up alternative. Defining nanotourism runs twofold: by finding and learning from existing examples and by identifying and creating new site-specific experiences.

It operates as a social tool to stimulate mutual interaction between provider and user by co-creation or exchange of knowledge. It is not about scale, but is a projected ability to construct responsible experiences from the bottom-up, using local resources. Nanotourism is beyond tourism, it is more an attitude to improve specific everyday environments and to open up new local economies.

Nanotourism is critical, but primarily bottom-up. Therefore it works as an association to nanotechnology as organisation of matter at the atomic and molecular scale, essentially by bottom-up construction method. Pre-fix nano in nanotourism implies bottom-up processes, not visible to a human eye, as new operational models of tourism.

The key teaching agenda of AAVS Slovenia is to research and promote the process of creation that stretches beyond ‘design’. The process is equally as important as the final project itself. A simple process diagram gets introduced to the students at the beginning of the course: ‘research’, ‘design’ and ‘make’ activities have to be successively organised in a recurrent process to create a closed circle that has to be perpetually repeated to generate refined, specific and sharp results.

Following this bottom-up process of design development and starting with initial elements of research, decision-making and prototyping, these have to be gradually organised at higher levels of under- standing, in order to produce more complex structures and holistic design solutions.

Cultural Center of European Space Technologies Slovenia images / information from Enota

19 Jan 2011

KSEVT Building Vitanje

The Cultural Center of European Space Technologies (KSEVT)

Date built: 2008-11

Design: Bevk Perovic arhitekti / Dekleva Gregoric arhitekti / OFIS arhitekti / Sadar Vuga arhitekti

Location: Vitanje, Slovenia

With its program, The Cultural Center of European Space Technologies (KSEVT) will supplement the local cultural and social activities of the Arts Center in Vitanje. With its size and typology the existing object already indicates a publicly significant role, but its capacity and technological design no longer suffice for newer collective requirements.

Cultural Center of European Space Technologies Slovenia – Design Proposal:
Cultural Center of European Space Technologies Slovenia Cultural Center of European Space Technologies Cultural Center of European Space Technologies Building Cultural Center of European Space Technologies Vitanje
images from architects
KSEVT in Vitanje

20 Jun 2016
Architectural Association Haiti Visiting School
AA Haiti Visiting School 2016
images from AA

Location: Vitanje, Slovenia, southeast Europe

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Comments / photos for the AA Visiting School nanotourism at KSEVT Vitanje – Cultural Center of European Space Technologies Slovenia page welcome