Kielder Water, Northumbria Sculpture, Buildings, Design, Pavilion, Photos, Shelter
Kielder Forest Architecture / Art
Forest Park in Northumberland, north east England, UK
15 Jun 2006
Kielder Forest Park
The British excel at taking a beautiful structure and destroying it with a thoughtless structure. The Crannog at Loch Tay for example, spoilt by an insensitive annexe; many Castles, damaged by the tearooms and shops intended to promote them, but instead designed so feebly as to thwart them.
Kielder Water Sculpture
Here are some photos of Softroom’s pavilion by the Kielder Water reservoir in Northumbria. The Press often show a building cropped of crude context and boosted by Photoshop, my site included. But here is some reality:
“When I was at the Kielder lake’s edge, home of a renowned architectural intervention by softroom architects, I have to say I was disappointed in more ways than I was thrilled, the frontage is interesting and the material contrast thought-provoking; however, walk around it, and you find an uneasy feeling develops.
The rest of the experience is dull, the interior even more so.
To top it all the Forestry people in their wisdom have erected four temporary toilets right beside the structure effectively ‘taking the piss out of it’.”
No larger image
shiny pillow
Belvedere images 1 + 4 by softroom architecture
Belvedere images 2 + 3 by frazer hay
Kielder Water Shelter – launched 2009
photo : Peter Sharpe
Location:Kielder Water & Forest Park, Northumberland, England
Kielder Forest Buildings
Kielder Observatory
picture from architect
The Kielder Belvedere is designed not as a piece of contemporary sculpture but as a shelter. It has a certain functional and typological similarity to An Turas by Sutherland Hussey & various artists
55/02, Kielder Shelter
sixteen*(makers) at The Bartlett UCL
photo © UCL
Newcastle Architecture – Selection
Sage Gateshead

image © Adrian Welch
Newcastle Concert Hall
Dance City
Malcolm Fraser Architects
image © Morley von Sternberg
Newcastle Dance City
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