Loreto Sports Hall Competition, Loreto Abbey Secondary School, Co. Dublin, Irish Architecture Contest
Loreto Sports Hall Competition, Ireland
Dublin Architecture Contest – RIAI Secondary School Design Prize: Entry Information
21 Jul 2010
The RIAI (Royal Institute of the Architects of Ireland) is administering a competition on behalf of the competition promoters, Loreto Abbey Secondary School, Dalkey, Co. Dublin.
New Sports Hall Competition for Loreto Abbey Dalkey
This open, two-stage architectural competition is for the design of a new sports hall located to the rear of Loreto Abbey Dalkey to comprise a Sports Hall, gym, performance stage and associated changing rooms and facilities.
Loreto Abbey Dalkey school competition site:
Loreto Abbey Dalkey is a Catholic convent secondary school in Dalkey, south Co. Dublin. Located on a remarkably beautiful and very exposed site, overlooking the sea, it has a proud history dating back to 1843. Today 600+ girls, day students aged 12 to 18 from the local area and from a wide hinterland, attend the school. All students play sports; either formally on teams or through individual sports/PE classes and through their own individual interests.
The school wishes to put in place a Sports Hall (and performance space, budget permitting) to complement the existing school and its surroundings, for the use of the school community and to accommodate specific sporting groups from the wider Dalkey community who use the existing sports facilities in the school, outside of school hours.
Loreto Abbey Dalkey is situated on the coastline with dramatic views out over to Dalkey Island and the Irish Sea and south up towards Killiney and Dalkey Hills.
The existing building consists of the original convent building circa 1843 in cut granite with various extensions built up until 2007, the latest being the 3 storey classroom block to the rear.
The proposed location for the new sports hall is to the rear and west of the school on land including the old Pavilion field and existing basketball courts. Competitors should assume a budget of 1.5 million euro. The outline cost plan in the competition pack provides additional information.
Submissions for Stage 1 will be evaluated on quality and innovation in architectural design and compliance with the competition brief.
This competition is open to persons who are currently included on the Irish Register of Architects; those who hold a qualification listed in the EU Qualifications Directive 2005/36/EC; those who are established in another EU Member State and eligible to provide services in Ireland; those persons outside the EU/EEA are who are registered with a national registration body.
Please note that competitors who are short listed for stage two of the competition will be asked to begin the registration process (to manage the project in Ireland) if they are not already on the Irish Register of Architects.
For more information on routes to registration please see here: www.riai.ie/admissions/architects/
Robert Dunne, Principal, Loreto Abbey Secondary School, Dalkey
Helen Murray, School Hall Committee, Parental Advisor
Hugh Morris, Loreto Buildings Officer
Robin Mandal, Architect, Robin Mandal Architects
Rosie Webb, Senior Executive Architect, Galway City Council
Prize Fund
Each short listed competitor invited to participate in Stage 2 of the competition will be paid an honorarium of €5,000 for a valid Stage 2 submission.
Competition Programme
Stage 1
Competition Registration Opens: 20 Jul 2010
Withdrawal of Registration and refund of fee: 30 Jul 2010
Questions Deadline: 6 August 2010
Answers Circulated: 18 August 2010
Registration Deadline: 27 Aug 2010
Submission Deadline: 1 Sep 2010
Assessment: Sep 2010
Stage 2 – Stage Two Opens: October 2010
How to Register
The Registration Form is available in the Competitions section of the RIAI website www.riai.ie
Download and complete the registration form including payment / payment details for the €121.00 registration fee (inclusive of VAT at 21%).
Registration forms are accepted via email, fax or post.
Email: [email protected]
Fax: +353 1 6610948
Post: Loreto Abbey Dalkey Sports Hall – Architectural Design Competition, RIAI, 8 Merrion Square, Dublin 2, Ireland
A registered competitor may withdraw a registration on or before Friday, 30 July 2010 and will be entitled to a refund of the registration fee. After that date no other refunds can be made in any circumstances whether a valid entry is submitted or not.
We accept Cash, Laser, Visa, MasterCard, Electronic Funds Transfer, Bankers Draft, Euro Cheque and Irish Cheques. Cheques/Drafts should be made payable to the RIAI.
Once a completed registration form with payment is received, a username and password will be emailed to you. The username and password will allow you to download the competition pack from the RIAI website www.riai.ie
Stage 1 submission requirements
Competitors are required to submit one A1 size sheet of information in a horizontal format. There is no specified format for submissions but competitors are required to provide the following minimum information:
a. Plans, sections and elevations at 1:200
b. Site plan at 1:500
c. Image(s) showing the building in context
Stage One entrants are required to present conceptual proposals, incorporating the above minimum requirements, and not detailed proposals.
Each competitor shall also submit a report, which will deal with the architectural, planning functional, environmental and technical factors relevant to the scheme with an Elemental Cost Plan. The report shall not exceed four A4 pages excluding a one page cost plan.
Enquiries contact:
Karina O’Neill, Competitions Officer, RIAI, 8 Merrion Square, Dublin 2, Ireland
Email: [email protected] Tel: +353 1 669 1480 Fax: +353 1 661 0948
Download Area:
Once you have registered, you will receive a username and password via email enabling you to download the Competition Pack.
Loreto Sports Hall Competition information from RIAI
Loreto Abbey Secondary School, Dalkey, Co. Dublin
Location: Dalkey, County Dublin, Ireland
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